Building U-Boot Image

To build a U-Boot image, open a terminal and navigate to the project directory created in Building Monolith Project . In our example the project directory is mymonolith .

Under the project directory, you will find an executable with the same name you gave to your monolith in Project Manager Settings . In our example the executable name is myproject .

运行 elfloader command for the executable. You will find the elfloader command under your compiler directory:

john@doe: /usr/ghs/comp_201654/elfloader -l /usr/ghs/int1144/util/elfloader/cortexa9_elfloader.bin -o myproject.elf myproject

The example elfloader command above assumes your Green Hills Software (GHS) compiler is version 2016.5.4, and your INTEGRITY and GHS compiler installations are found from their default locations. However, you can modify the paths in the example according to your configuration.

Finally, build the U-Boot image with the mkimage tool. The last argument in the mkimage command specifies the U-Boot image name. In the example below, we use the name demo.image . To invoke mkimage , run the following command in a terminal:

john@doe: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 20000000 -e 20000000 -n INTEGRITY+Qt -d myproject.elf demo.image