Qt Speech

The module enables a Qt application to support accessibility features such as text-to-speech, which is useful for end-users who are visually challenged or cannot access the application for whatever reason. The most common use case where text-to-speech comes in handy is when the end-user is driving and cannot attend the incoming messages on the phone. In such a scenario, the messaging application can read out the incoming message.

The module depends on Speech Dispatcher (libspeechd) on the Linux platform. On other platforms, it uses the native APIs to access the platform-specific text-to-speech engines.


要包括模块类 函数的定义,使用以下指令:

#include <QTextToSpeech>

要链接到模块,添加此行到 qmake .pro 文件:

QT += texttospeech


API 参考