Qt WebEngine QML 类型

可以把 QML 类型导入应用程序,使用以下 import 语句在 .qml 文件:

import QtWebEngine 1.8

要链接到模块,添加以下 QT 变量到 qmake .pro 文件:

QT += webengine
AuthenticationDialogRequest A request for providing authentication credentials required by proxies or HTTP servers
ColorDialogRequest 用于通过用户选择颜色的请求
ContextMenuRequest 用于展示上下文菜单的请求
FileDialogRequest A request for letting the user choose a (new or existing) file or directory
FullScreenRequest A utility type for the WebEngineView::fullScreenRequested() signal
JavaScriptDialogRequest A request for showing an alert, a confirmation, or a prompt dialog from within JavaScript to the user
QuotaRequest A utility type for the WebEngineView::quotaRequested() signal
RegisterProtocolHandlerRequest Type enables accepting or rejecting requests from the registerProtocolHandler API
WebEngine Provides access to the default settings and profiles shared by all web engine views
WebEngineAction An action that represents a WebEngineView::WebAction
WebEngineCertificateError A utility type for ignoring certificate errors or rejecting erroneous certificates
WebEngineDownloadItem 提供关于下载的信息
WebEngineHistory Provides data models that represent the history of a web engine page
WebEngineHistoryListModel A data model that represents the history of a web engine page
WebEngineLoadRequest A utility type for the WebEngineView::loadingChanged signal
WebEngineNavigationRequest Represents a request for navigating to a web page as part of WebEngineView::navigationRequested()
WebEngineNewViewRequest A utility type for the WebEngineView::newViewRequested signal
WebEngineProfile Contains settings, scripts, and visited links common to multiple web engine views
WebEngineScript Enables the programmatic injection of scripts in the JavaScript engine
WebEngineSettings Allows configuration of browser properties and attributes
WebEngineView A WebEngineView renders web content within a QML application