
Qt's painting system is able to render vector graphics, images, and outline font-based text with sub-pixel accuracy using anti-aliasing to improve rendering quality.

These examples show the most common techniques that are used when painting with Qt, from basic concepts such as drawing simple primitives to the use of transformations.

仿射变换 Demonstrates how affine transformations in QPainter works.
基本绘制范例 The Basic Drawing example shows how to display basic graphics primitives in a variety of styles using the QPainter class.
合成模式 Demonstrates how Composition Modes work in QPainter.
同心圆范例 Demonstrates the improved quality that antialiasing and floating point precision gives.
字体采样器范例 The Font Sampler example shows how to preview and print multi-page documents.
渐变 Shows how gradients can be used with QPainter.
图像合成范例 Shows how composition modes work in QPainter.
描绘器路径范例 The Painter Paths example shows how painter paths can be used to beuild complex shapes for rendering.
路径描边 The Path Stroking example shows various types of pens that can be used with QPainter.
变换范例 The Transformations example shows how transformations influence the way that QPainter renders graphics primitives.
向量变形 Demonstrates how to manipulate the elements of a QPainterPath.