QColorConstants 名称空间

QColorConstants 名称空间包含 QColor 预定义常量。 更多...

头: #include <QColorConstants>
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 5.14

This namespace was introduced in Qt 5.14.


    These constants are usable everywhere a QColor object is expected:


    Their usage is much cheaper than e.g. passing a string to QColor 's constructor, as they don't require any parsing of the string, and always result in a valid QColor 对象:

    object.setColor(QColor("lightblue")); // expensive

    Qt 颜色

    The following colors are defined in the QColorConstants 名称空间:

    名称 Hex 颜色
    Color0 #000000
    Color1 #ffffff
    Black #000000
    White #ffffff
    DarkGray #808080
    Gray #a0a0a4
    LightGray #c0c0c0
    Red #ff0000
    Green #00ff00
    Blue #0000ff
    Cyan #00ffff
    Magenta #ff00ff
    Yellow #ffff00
    DarkRed #800000
    DarkGreen #008000
    DarkBlue #000080
    DarkCyan #008080
    DarkMagenta #800080
    DarkYellow #808000
    Transparent #00000000 (transparent)

    SVG 颜色

    The following table lists the available SVG 颜色 . They are available in the QColorConstants::Svg inner namespace.

    名称 Hex 颜色
    aliceblue #f0f8ff
    antiquewhite #faebd7
    aqua #00ffff
    aquamarine #7fffd4
    azure #f0ffff
    beige #f5f5dc
    bisque #ffe4c4
    black #000000
    blanchedalmond #ffebcd
    blue #0000ff
    blueviolet #8a2be2
    brown #a52a2a
    burlywood #deb887
    cadetblue #5f9ea0
    chartreuse #7fff00
    chocolate #d2691e
    coral #ff7f50
    cornflowerblue #6495ed
    cornsilk #fff8dc
    crimson #dc143c
    cyan #00ffff
    darkblue #00008b
    darkcyan #008b8b
    darkgoldenrod #b8860b
    darkgray #a9a9a9
    darkgreen #006400
    darkgrey #a9a9a9
    darkkhaki #bdb76b
    darkmagenta #8b008b
    darkolivegreen #556b2f
    darkorange #ff8c00
    darkorchid #9932cc
    darkred #8b0000
    darksalmon #e9967a
    darkseagreen #8fbc8f
    darkslateblue #483d8b
    darkslategray #2f4f4f
    darkslategrey #2f4f4f
    darkturquoise #00ced1
    darkviolet #9400d3
    deeppink #ff1493
    deepskyblue #00bfff
    dimgray #696969
    dimgrey #696969
    dodgerblue #1e90ff
    firebrick #b22222
    floralwhite #fffaf0
    forestgreen #228b22
    fuchsia #ff00ff
    gainsboro #dcdcdc
    ghostwhite #f8f8ff
    gold #ffd700
    goldenrod #daa520
    gray #808080
    grey #808080
    green #008000
    greenyellow #adff2f
    honeydew #f0fff0
    hotpink #ff69b4
    indianred #cd5c5c
    indigo #4b0082
    ivory #fffff0
    khaki #f0e68c
    lavender #e6e6fa
    lavenderblush #fff0f5
    lawngreen #7cfc00
    lemonchiffon #fffacd
    lightblue #add8e6
    lightcoral #f08080
    lightcyan #e0ffff
    lightgoldenrodyellow #fafad2
    lightgray #d3d3d3
    lightgreen #90ee90
    lightgrey #d3d3d3
    lightpink #ffb6c1
    lightsalmon #ffa07a
    lightseagreen #20b2aa
    lightskyblue #87cefa
    lightslategray #778899
    lightslategrey #778899
    lightsteelblue #b0c4de
    lightyellow #ffffe0
    lime #00ff00
    limegreen #32cd32
    linen #faf0e6
    magenta #ff00ff
    maroon #800000
    mediumaquamarine #66cdaa
    mediumblue #0000cd
    mediumorchid #ba55d3
    mediumpurple #9370db
    mediumseagreen #3cb371
    mediumslateblue #7b68ee
    mediumspringgreen #00fa9a
    mediumturquoise #48d1cc
    mediumvioletred #c71585
    midnightblue #191970
    mintcream #f5fffa
    mistyrose #ffe4e1
    moccasin #ffe4b5
    navajowhite #ffdead
    navy #000080
    oldlace #fdf5e6
    olive #808000
    olivedrab #6b8e23
    orange #ffa500
    orangered #ff4500
    orchid #da70d6
    palegoldenrod #eee8aa
    palegreen #98fb98
    paleturquoise #afeeee
    palevioletred #db7093
    papayawhip #ffefd5
    peachpuff #ffdab9
    peru #cd853f
    pink #ffc0cb
    plum #dda0dd
    powderblue #b0e0e6
    purple #800080
    red #ff0000
    rosybrown #bc8f8f
    royalblue #4169e1
    saddlebrown #8b4513
    salmon #fa8072
    sandybrown #f4a460
    seagreen #2e8b57
    seashell #fff5ee
    sienna #a0522d
    silver #c0c0c0
    skyblue #87ceeb
    slateblue #6a5acd
    slategray #708090
    slategrey #708090
    snow #fffafa
    springgreen #00ff7f
    steelblue #4682b4
    tan #d2b48c
    teal #008080
    thistle #d8bfd8
    tomato #ff6347
    turquoise #40e0d0
    violet #ee82ee
    wheat #f5deb3
    white #ffffff
    whitesmoke #f5f5f5
    yellow #ffff00
    yellowgreen #9acd32

    另请参阅 QColor and Qt::GlobalColor .