QtDataVisualization Namespace

Contains the classes and enumerations in the Qt Data Visualization module. 更多...

头: #include <QtDataVisualization>


QSurfaceFormat qDefaultSurfaceFormat (bool antialias )


Q3DBars 用于渲染 3D 条形图的方法
Q3DCamera 在 3D 空间中的摄像头表示
Q3DInputHandler 基于滚轮鼠标的基本输入处理程序
Q3DLight 在 3D 空间表示光源
Q3DObject Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene
Q3DScatter Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs
Q3DScene Description of the 3D scene being visualized
Q3DSurface Methods for rendering 3D surface plots
Q3DTheme 用于图形的视觉样式
QAbstract3DAxis Base class for the axes of a graph
QAbstract3DGraph 用于图形的窗口和渲染循环
QAbstract3DInputHandler Base class for implementations of input handlers
QAbstract3DSeries 所有数据系列的基类
QAbstractDataProxy Base class for all data visualization data proxies
QBar3DSeries Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph
QBarDataItem Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs
QBarDataProxy The data proxy for a 3D bars graph
QCategory3DAxis Manipulates an axis of a graph
QCustom3DItem 向图形添加自定义项
QCustom3DLabel 向图形添加自定义标签
QCustom3DVolume Adds a volume rendered object to a graph
QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy Base proxy class for Q3DSurface
QItemModelBarDataProxy Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars
QItemModelScatterDataProxy Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter
QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis
QScatter3DSeries Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph
QScatterDataItem Container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs
QScatterDataProxy The data proxy for 3D scatter graphs
QSurface3DSeries Represents a data series in a 3D surface graph
QSurfaceDataItem Container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs
QSurfaceDataProxy The data proxy for a 3D surface graph
QTouch3DInputHandler Basic touch display based input handler
QValue3DAxis Manipulates an axis of a graph
QValue3DAxisFormatter Base class for value axis formatters


QSurfaceFormat qDefaultSurfaceFormat ( bool antialias )

This convenience function can be used to create a custom surface format suitable for use by Qt Data Visualization graphs.

antialias parameter specifies whether or not antialiasing is activated.

Give the surface format returned by this function to the graph constructor (C++) or set it as the window format for QQuickView (QML) before calling show() on it.

For example, disable antialiasing on C++ application:

#include <QtDataVisualization/qutils.h>
// ...
Q3DBars *graph = new Q3DBars(QtDataVisualization::qDefaultSurfaceFormat(false));

For example, enable antialiasing for direct rendering modes on QML application:

#include <QtDataVisualization/qutils.h>
// ...
QQuickView viewer;

注意: Antialiasing is not supported in OpenGL ES2 environments.