A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a C++ class to provide a fully-functional rich-text editor application.
警告: 从 Qt 5.12 起弃用 Qt Quick Controls 1 模块。使用最新 Qt Quick Controls 模块代替。
The Text Editor Example presents a sample HTML file using the TextArea control, preserving the HTML formatting. It uses a C++ class to handle the document by providing options to open, format, and edit. The app also lets you open and edit a plain text files.
The C++ class, DocumentHandler, extends
and is registered as a QML type under the namespace, "
org.qtproject.example 1.0
The following snippets show how the type is registered under a namespace and later imported by main.qml .
QML type registration:
#include <QtQml/qqml.h> ... qmlRegisterType<DocumentHandler>("org.qtproject.example", 1, 0, "DocumentHandler"); ...
QML namespace import:
import org.qtproject.example 1.0
For more information about registering C++ classes as QML types, see 从 C++ 定义 QML 类型 .
要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 欢迎 模式,然后选择范例从 范例 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .