Qt Sensors QML 类型



 import QtSensors 5.15
 //  ...
     Component.onCompleted: {
         var types = QmlSensors.sensorTypes();
         console.log(types.join(", "));

可以找到模块 API 文档编制在 QmlSensors .

QML 传感器类型


注意:大多数特性来自抽象 Sensor 元素。

Accelerometer Element reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes
Altimeter 元素报告海拔
AmbientLightSensor 元素报告环境照明条件
AmbientTemperatureSensor 元素报告环境温度
Compass Element reports on heading using magnetic north as a reference
DistanceSensor Element reports the distance in cm from an object to the device
Gyroscope Element reports on rotational acceleration around the X, Y and Z axes
HolsterSensor Element reports on whether a device is holstered
HumiditySensor Element reports on humidity
IRProximitySensor Element reports on infra-red reflectance values
LidSensor Element reports on whether a device is closed
LightSensor Element reports on light levels using LUX
Magnetometer Element reports on magnetic field strength along the Z, Y and Z axes
OrientationSensor Element reports device orientation
PressureSensor Element reports on atmospheric pressure values
ProximitySensor Element reports on object proximity
RotationSensor Element reports on device rotation around the X, Y and Z axes
TapSensor Element reports tap and double tap events along the X, Y and Z axes
TiltSensor Element reports tilt events along the X and Y axes

QML 读取类型


AccelerometerReading Element holds the most recent Accelerometer reading
AltimeterReading Element holds the most recent Altimeter reading
AmbientLightReading Element holds the most AmbientLightSensor reading
AmbientTemperatureReading Element holds the most recent temperature reading
CompassReading Element holds the most recent Compass reading
DistanceReading Element holds the most recent DistanceSensor reading
GyroscopeReading Element holds the most recent Gyroscope reading
HolsterReading Element holds the most recent HolsterSensor reading
HumidityReading Element holds the most recent HumiditySensor reading
IRProximityReading Element holds the most recent IR proximity reading
LidReading Element holds the most recent LidSensor reading
LightReading Element holds the most recent LightSensor reading
MagnetometerReading Element holds the most recent Magnetometer reading
OrientationReading Element holds the most recent OrientationSensor reading
PressureReading Element holds the most recent PressureSensor reading
ProximityReading Element holds the most recent ProximitySensor reading
RotationReading Element holds the most recent RotationSensor reading
TapReading Element holds the most recent TapSensor reading
TiltReading Element holds the most recent TiltSensor reading

所有 QML 类型

Accelerometer Element reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes
AccelerometerReading Element holds the most recent Accelerometer reading
Altimeter 元素报告海拔
AltimeterReading Element holds the most recent Altimeter reading
AmbientLightReading Element holds the most AmbientLightSensor reading
AmbientLightSensor 元素报告环境照明条件
AmbientTemperatureReading Element holds the most recent temperature reading
AmbientTemperatureSensor 元素报告环境温度
Compass Element reports on heading using magnetic north as a reference
CompassReading Element holds the most recent Compass reading
DistanceReading Element holds the most recent DistanceSensor reading
DistanceSensor Element reports the distance in cm from an object to the device
Gyroscope Element reports on rotational acceleration around the X, Y and Z axes
GyroscopeReading Element holds the most recent Gyroscope reading
HolsterReading Element holds the most recent HolsterSensor reading
HolsterSensor Element reports on whether a device is holstered
HumidityReading Element holds the most recent HumiditySensor reading
HumiditySensor Element reports on humidity
IRProximityReading Element holds the most recent IR proximity reading
IRProximitySensor Element reports on infra-red reflectance values
LidReading Element holds the most recent LidSensor reading
LidSensor Element reports on whether a device is closed
LightReading Element holds the most recent LightSensor reading
LightSensor Element reports on light levels using LUX
Magnetometer Element reports on magnetic field strength along the Z, Y and Z axes
MagnetometerReading Element holds the most recent Magnetometer reading
OrientationReading Element holds the most recent OrientationSensor reading
OrientationSensor Element reports device orientation
PressureReading Element holds the most recent PressureSensor reading
PressureSensor Element reports on atmospheric pressure values
ProximityReading Element holds the most recent ProximitySensor reading
ProximitySensor Element reports on object proximity
QmlSensors Singleton provides the module API
RotationReading Element holds the most recent RotationSensor reading
RotationSensor Element reports on device rotation around the X, Y and Z axes
Sensor Element serves as a base type for sensors
SensorGesture Provides notifications when sensor-based gestures are detected
SensorReading Element serves as a base type for sensor readings
TapReading Element holds the most recent TapSensor reading
TapSensor Element reports tap and double tap events along the X, Y and Z axes
TiltReading Element holds the most recent TiltSensor reading
TiltSensor Element reports tilt events along the X and Y axes