WebEngine 通知范例

演示如何将 HTML5 Web 通知传递给用户。

WebEngine 通知 演示如何使用 QWebEngineProfile::setNotificationPresenter () 方法和 QWebEngineNotification 类去向用户展示 HTML5 Web 通知。


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In this example, we create an internal HTML page that is added through a resource collection file (.qrc). The page displays buttons for requesting permissions and contains necessary JavaScript code to trigger this request:

            Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) {
                if (permission == 'granted')

Also page contains a button for creating a notification. The following JavaScript constructions are executed on the press event:

    function createNotification() {
        let title = 'Notification #' + ++notificationsCreated
        let options = { body: 'Visit doc.qt.io for more info!', icon: 'icon.png', }
        let notification = new Notification(title, options)

main 函数

main 函数,实例化 QWebEngineView , load our internal HTML page, and set up the required callbacks for notifications handling.


We then use the QWebEnginePage::featurePermissionRequested () call to request the user's permission to show notifications on their device.

    QObject::connect(view.page(), &QWebEnginePage::featurePermissionRequested,
                     [&] (const QUrl &origin, QWebEnginePage::Feature feature) {
                         if (feature != QWebEnginePage::Notifications)
                         view.page()->setFeaturePermission(origin, feature, QWebEnginePage::PermissionGrantedByUser);

We then construct a NotificationPopup that encapsulates the data of the HTML web notification. We also use the QWebEngineProfile::setNotificationPresenter () call to set our handler, which we use in conjunction with our popup to handle all new notifications.

    auto popup = new NotificationPopup(&view);
    profile->setNotificationPresenter([&] (std::unique_ptr<QWebEngineNotification> notification)
                                      { popup->present(notification); });

Presenting Notifications to Users

NotificationPopup class in this example is a simple QWidget -based class that uses multiple QLabel instances for displaying the notification's title, message, and icon.

class NotificationPopup : public QWidget
    QLabel m_icon, m_title, m_message;
    std::unique_ptr<QWebEngineNotification> notification;
Presenting Notifications

Inside the present method, we first close and release the previous notification if we have one and then take ownership of a new notification by calling the std::unique_ptr::swap method on our internal notification instance.

    void present(std::unique_ptr<QWebEngineNotification> &newNotification)
        if (notification) {

Then we query the notification instance for a title, a message, and an icon by calling QWebEngineNotification::title (), QWebEngineNotification::message (), QWebEngineNotification::icon () and set up the appropriate labels in our popup.

        m_title.setText("<b>" + notification->title() + "</b>");

After that we are ready to display our notification to the user by calling the QWidget::show () method. On this step we also call the QWebEngineNotification::show () method to notify JavaScript code about our show 事件。


Finally, we set up a callback to handle the close event from the JavaScript side by connecting to the QWebEngineNotification::closed () signal. We also schedule a timer event to close our active notification automatically.

        connect(notification.get(), &QWebEngineNotification::closed, this, &NotificationPopup::onClosed);
        QTimer::singleShot(10000, notification.get(), [&] () { onClosed(); });
Closing Active Notification

We execute the close step for the currently active notification either by timeout or by handling the JavaScript event. First, we hide the popup widget itself by calling QWidget::hide (). Then, we notify the JavaScript code by calling the QWebEngineNotification::close () method. Finally, we destroy the notification object through the std::unique_ptr::reset() 方法。

    void onClosed()
Implementing User Interaction

To implement the click step for a notification, we handle mouse interaction through QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent (). On this event, the JavaScript code is notified by calling the QWebEngineNotification::click () method. Then we automatically perform the close step as a notification is considered fully handled and no longer needed, and therefore can be destroyed.

    void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
        if (notification && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {

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