This example demonstrates the usage of a tree view, and smooth flicking on a touchscreen.
The Dir View example shows a tree view of the local file system. It uses the QFileSystemModel class to provide file and directory information.
QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Qt Dir View Example"); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption dontUseCustomDirectoryIconsOption("c", "Set QFileSystemModel::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons"); parser.addOption(dontUseCustomDirectoryIconsOption); QCommandLineOption dontWatchOption("w", "Set QFileSystemModel::DontWatch"); parser.addOption(dontWatchOption); parser.addPositionalArgument("directory", "The directory to start in."); parser.process(app); const QString rootPath = parser.positionalArguments().isEmpty()
The example supports a number of command line options. These options include:
QFileSystemModel model; model.setRootPath(""); if (parser.isSet(dontUseCustomDirectoryIconsOption)) model.setOption(QFileSystemModel::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons); if (parser.isSet(dontWatchOption)) model.setOption(QFileSystemModel::DontWatchForChanges); QTreeView tree; tree.setModel(&model);
as data model for reading the local filesystem.
sets the current folder as the folder from which
will start reading.
visualizes the filesystem in a tree structure.
tree.setAnimated(false); tree.setIndentation(20); tree.setSortingEnabled(true); const QSize availableSize = tree.screen()->availableGeometry().size(); tree.resize(availableSize / 2); tree.setColumnWidth(0, tree.width() / 3);
Sets layout options for animation, indentation, sorting, and sizing of the filesystem tree.
QScroller::grabGesture(&tree, QScroller::TouchGesture);
创建 QScroller instance to recognize gestures on touchscreens, so that you can flick the tree view with your finger.