QVulkanFunctions 类

QVulkanFunctions 类提供跨平台访问实例级核心 Vulkan 1.0 API。 更多...

头: #include <QVulkanFunctions>
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 5.10

该类在 Qt 5.10 引入。


默认情况下,Qt 和 Qt 应用程序未链接到任何 Vulkan 库。相反,在运行时动态解析所有函数。每个 QVulkanInstance 提供 QVulkanFunctions 可检索对象凭借 QVulkanInstance::functions (). This does not contain device level functions in order to avoid the potential overhead of an internal dispatching. Instead, functions that rely on a device, or a dispatchable child object of a device, are exposed via QVulkanDeviceFunctions and QVulkanInstance::deviceFunctions ()。QVulkanFunctions 和 QVulkanDeviceFunctions together provides access to the full core Vulkan API, excluding any extensions.

注意: 不可以直接构造 QVulkanFunctions 实例。


    void Window::render()
        QVulkanInstance *inst = vulkanInstance();
        QVulkanFunctions *f = inst->functions();
        VkResult err = f->vkAllocateCommandBuffers(device, &cmdBufInfo, &cmdBuf);

注意: Windowing system interface (WSI) specifics and extensions are excluded. This class only covers core Vulkan commands, with the exception of instance creation, destruction, and function resolving, since such functionality is covered by QVulkanInstance 本身。

要访问额外功能,应用程序可以使用 QVulkanInstance::getInstanceProcAddr () and vkGetDeviceProcAddr(). Applications can also decide to link to a Vulkan library directly, as platforms with an appropriate loader will typically export function symbols for the core commands. See vkGetInstanceProcAddr 手册页 了解更多信息。

另请参阅 QVulkanInstance , QVulkanDeviceFunctions , QWindow::setVulkanInstance (),和 QWindow::setSurfaceType ().