XML 范例

XML parsing and handling is supported through SAX and DOM compliant APIs as well as streaming classes.

DOM 书签范例

提供用于 XML 书签交换语言文件的读取器

QXmlStream 书签范例

演示如何读写 XBEL 文件

SAX Bookmarks Example

Demonstrates how to read XBEL files

XML Stream Lint 范例



XQuery /XPath and XML Schema engines in the Qt XML Patterns module provide classes for querying XML files and custom data models.

C++ 源代码分析器范例

Using XQuery and the xmlpatterns command line utility to query C++ source code.


Using Qt XML Patterns for querying non-XML data that is modeled to look like XML.


Using Qt XML Patterns to query XML data loaded from a file.

XML 模式验证范例

Using Qt XML Patterns to validate XML with a W3C XML Schema.

Examples marked with an asterisk (*) are fully documented.