Installing Platform Dependencies

Before you can build the applications with Qt for INTEGRITY, you must have the correct build tools and other dependencies installed in the 64-bit Linux development host:

Requirement 描述
An INTEGRITY 11.4.4 installation Installation must contain the patches for C++11 support. Contact Green Hills Software .
MULTI IDE and Green Hills Software Compiler (version 2016.5.4 or newer) The Green Hills Software development tools. See MULTI IDE . For licenses, contact Green Hills Software .

注意: You need to get an additional patch from Green Hills Software.

An ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) loader compatible with a device tree Part of the Green Hills Software development tools.
The U-Boot tools Universal Boot Loader (U-Boot) is used in the embedded devices to package the instructions to boot the device's operating system kernel.

注意: Especially mkimage 被要求。

Perl programming language Required if you are getting the Qt 5 sources via the Git version control system. See .

注意: Perl is not required if you download the Qt sources via your Qt Account.