Qt for Linux/X11 - 从源代码构建

可以下载 Qt 5 源代码,从 下载 页面。更多信息,拜访 Qt 快速入门 页面。

Qt for X11 has some requirements that are given in more detail in the Qt for X11 要求 文档。

Step 1: Installing the License File (Commercially Licensed Qt Only)

若在商业许可下使用 Qt,则 Qt 工具会查找本地许可文件。若正使用二进制安装程序或商用 Qt Creator,则会自动取出许可并存储在本地用户 Profile (配置文件) 中 ( $XDG_DATA_HOME/Qt/qtlicenses.ini file).

若不使用任何二进制安装程序或 Qt Creator,可以下载各自的许可文件从您的 Qt 帐户 Web 门户并将其保存到您的用户 Profile (配置文件) 作为 $HOME/.qt-license 。若偏爱不同的位置或文件名,需要设置 QT_LICENSE_FILE 环境变量到各个文件路径。

Step 2: Unpacking the Archive

Unpack the archive if you have not done so already. For example, if you have the qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar.gz package, type the following commands at a command line prompt:

cd /tmp
gunzip qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar.gz        # uncompress the archive
tar xvf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar          # unpack it

This creates the directory /tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION% containing the files from the archive. We only support the GNU version of the tar archiving utility. Note that on some systems it is called gtar.

Step 3: Building the Library

To configure the Qt library for your machine type, run the ./configure script in the package directory.

By default, Qt is configured for installation in the /usr/local/Qt-%VERSION% directory, but this can be changed by using the -prefix 选项。

cd /tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%

The 配置选项 页面包含有关 configure 选项的更多信息。

To create the library and compile all the examples, tools, and tutorials, type:


-prefix is outside the build directory, you need to install the library, examples, tools, and tutorials in the appropriate place. To do this (as root if necessary), type:

make install

Note that on some systems the make utility is named differently, e.g. gmake. The configure script tells you which make utility to use.

注意: 若以后需要在相同位置重新配置和重构 Qt,确保移除所有先前配置痕迹,通过进入构建目录并键入 make confclean 先于运行 configure 再次。

Step 4: Set the Environment Variables

In order to use Qt, some environment variables needs to be extended.

PATH               - to locate qmake, moc and other Qt tools

This is done like this:

.profile (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh), add the following lines:

export PATH

.login (in case your shell is csh or tcsh), add the following line:

setenv PATH /usr/local/Qt-%VERSION%/bin:$PATH

If you use a different shell, please modify your environment variables accordingly.

For compilers that do not support rpath you must also extended the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include /usr/local/Qt-%VERSION%/lib . On Linux with GCC this step is not needed.