Qt Charts C++ 类

用于 Qt Charts API 的 C++ 类。 更多...

QAreaSeries 在区域图表中呈现数据
QBarCategoryAxis 将类别添加到图表轴
QCategoryAxis Places named ranges on the axis
QDateTimeAxis Adds dates and times to a chart's axis
QLogValueAxis Adds a logarithmic scale to a chart's axis
QAbstractAxis 用于专用轴类的基类
QValueAxis 将值添加到图表轴
QHorizontalBarSeries Presents a series of data as horizontal bars grouped by category
QHorizontalPercentBarSeries Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category
QHorizontalStackedBarSeries Presents a series of data as horizontally stacked bars, with one bar per category
QAbstractBarSeries 用于所有条形系列类的抽象父级类
QBarSet 表示条形图表中的一组条形
QHBarModelMapper Horizontal model mapper for bar series
QVBarModelMapper Vertical model mapper for bar series
QBarSeries 将一系列数据按类别分组呈现为垂直条形
QPercentBarSeries Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category
QStackedBarSeries Presents a series of data as vertically stacked bars, with one bar per category
QBoxPlotSeries Presents data in box-and-whiskers charts
QBoxSet Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chart
QHBoxPlotModelMapper Horizontal model mapper for box plot series
QVBoxPlotModelMapper Vertical model mapper for box plot series
QCandlestickModelMapper Abstract model mapper class for candlestick series
QCandlestickSeries Presents data as candlesticks
QCandlestickSet Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chart
QHCandlestickModelMapper Horizontal model mapper for a candlestick series
QVCandlestickModelMapper Vertical model mapper for a candlestick series
QAreaLegendMarker Legend marker for an area series
QBarLegendMarker Legend marker for a bar series
QBoxPlotLegendMarker Legend marker for a box plot series
QCandlestickLegendMarker Legend marker for a candlestick series
QLegend 显示图表的图例
QLegendMarker Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legend
QPieLegendMarker Legend marker for a pie series
QXYLegendMarker Legend marker for a line, spline, or scatter series
QLineSeries 以线图表形式呈现数据
QHPieModelMapper Horizontal model mapper for pie series
QPieSeries Presents data in pie charts
QPieSlice Represents a single slice in a pie series
QVPieModelMapper Vertical model mapper for pie series
QAbstractSeries 用于所有 Qt Chart 系列的基类
QChart 管理图表的系列、图例和轴的图形表示
QChartView 可以显示图表的独立 Widget
QPolarChart Presents data in polar charts
QScatterSeries Presents data in scatter charts
QSplineSeries 以样条线图表形式呈现数据
QHXYModelMapper Horizontal model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series
QVXYModelMapper Vertical model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series
QXYSeries Base class for line, spline, and scatter series


Charts API 构建于 Qt 图形视图框架之上。Charts 可以显示为 QGraphicsWidget 使用 QChart 类。不管怎样,还有方便类 QChartView ,其是 QWidget 基于。这些使我们能够快速将 Qt Charts 用作正常 Qt 小部件。

各图表类型的表示通过 QAbstractSeries 派生类。要创建图表,用户必须使用相关系列类的实例并将它添加到 QChart 实例。

QLineSeries* series = new QLineSeries();
series->add(0, 6);
series->add(2, 4);