QML Bluetooth Picture Push Example

The Bluetooth Picture Push example shows how to use the QBluetoothTransferManager API. The example transfers a local image to a remote device. Unfortunately this example cannot be used on Android as Qt does not support the Object Push Profile (OPP) on this platform.

On the first user interface page the application scans for remote Bluetooth devices. The user must select the appropriate device to continue:

The next page presents a list of image files on the device. The files must be located under QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation }:

Once the picture was selected the UI shows the progress of the file transfer:


要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 欢迎 模式,然后选择范例从 范例 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .

Device Discovery

The device discovery uses the BluetoothDiscoveryModel to detect the remote devices. Each discovery is displayed as an entry in a list. Once a device was selected the device address is stored in the root element. More details about the root element will follow further below.

    ListView {
        model: BluetoothDiscoveryModel {
            discoveryMode: BluetoothDiscoveryModel.DeviceDiscovery
            onErrorChanged: {
                if (error == BluetoothDiscoveryModel.NoError)
                if (error == BluetoothDiscoveryModel.PoweredOffError)
                    titleLabel.text = "Bluetooth turned off";
                    titleLabel.text = "Cannot find devices";
        delegate: Button {
            width: listView.width + 2
            text: model.name
            onClicked: root.remoteDevice = model.remoteAddress

File Selection

The file is selected with the help of FolderListModel . Once again the selected file is stored in the root 元素:

        model: FolderListModel {
            folder: "file://"+SystemPictureFolder
            showDirs: false
        delegate: Rectangle {
            Text {
                text: model.fileName
            MouseArea {
                id: mArea
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: {
                    print ("path: " + model.filePath + " " + model.fileName)
                    root.fileName = model.filePath

Root Element

The already mentioned root element collects the necessary pieces of data for the picture transfer. Once the file name has been set it triggers the file transfer:

Image {
    id: root
    property string remoteDevice;
    property string fileName;
    onFileNameChanged: {
        fileTransfer.initTransfer(remoteDevice, fileName);
        loader.source = "FileSending.qml"
    onFileNameChanged: {
        fileTransfer.initTransfer(remoteDevice, fileName);
        loader.source = "FileSending.qml"

File Transfer

The file transfer is implemented in C++:

void FileTransfer::initTransfer(QString address, QString fileName)
    qDebug() << "Begin sharing file: " << address << fileName;
    QBluetoothAddress btAddress = QBluetoothAddress(address);
    QBluetoothTransferRequest request(btAddress);
    QFile *file = new QFile(fileName);
    reply = manager.put(request, file);
    connect(reply, SIGNAL(transferProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(updateProgress(qint64,qint64)));

and exposed to QML via a context property:

    QQuickView view;
    FileTransfer fileTransfer;
    view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("fileTransfer", QVariant::fromValue(&fileTransfer));


另请参阅 Qt Bluetooth .