Qt QML C++ 类

The C++ API provided by the Qt QML module 更多...

QJSEngine 用于估算 JavaScript 代码的环境
QJSValue Acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types
QJSValueIterator 用于 QJSValue 的 Java 风格迭代器
QQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor Allows you to control QML file loading
QQmlApplicationEngine 从单个 QML 文件加载应用程序的便捷方式
QQmlComponent 封装 QML 组件定义
QQmlContext 在 QML 引擎中定义上下文
QQmlEngine 用于实例化 QML 组件的环境
QQmlImageProviderBase Used to register image providers in the QML engine
QQmlError Encapsulates a QML error
QQmlExpression Evaluates JavaScript in a QML context
QQmlExtensionPlugin 用于自定义 QML 扩展插件的抽象基
QQmlFileSelector A class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loading
QQmlIncubationController Instances drive the progress of QQmlIncubators
QQmlIncubator Allows QML objects to be created asynchronously
QQmlListProperty Allows applications to expose list-like properties of QObject-derived classes to QML
QQmlListReference Allows the manipulation of QQmlListProperty properties
QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory Creates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine
QQmlParserStatus Updates on the QML parser state
QQmlProperty Abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML
QQmlPropertyValueSource Interface for property value sources such as animations and bindings
QQmlScriptString 封装脚本及其上下文
QQmlPropertyMap Allows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings



#include <QtQml>

要链接到模块,添加此行到 qmake .pro 文件:

QT += qml

有关 Qt QML 模块的更多信息,见 Qt QML 模块文档编制。