Qt Quick Test Reference Documentation


Qt Quick Test 是用于 QML 应用程序的单元测试框架。测试用例被编写成 JavaScript 函数在 TestCase 类型:

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtTest 1.0
TestCase {
    name: "MathTests"
    function test_math() {
        compare(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 = 4")
    function test_fail() {
        compare(2 + 2, 5, "2 + 2 = 5")

函数名称开头采用 test_ are treated as test cases to be executed. See the documentation for the TestCase and SignalSpy types for more information on writing test cases.


Test cases are launched by a C++ harness that consists of the following code:

#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>

Where "example" is the identifier to use to uniquely identify this set of tests. You should add CONFIG += qmltestcase . for example:

TARGET = tst_example
CONFIG += warn_on qmltestcase
SOURCES += tst_example.cpp

The test harness scans the specified source directory recursively for "tst_*.qml" files. If QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR is not defined, then the current directory will be scanned when the harness is run. Other *.qml files may appear for auxillary QML components that are used by the test.

The -input command-line option can be set at runtime to run test cases from a different directory. This may be needed to run tests on a target device where the compiled-in directory name refers to a host. For example:

tst_example -input /mnt/SDCard/qmltests

It is also possible to run a single file using the -input 选项。例如:

tst_example -input data/test.qml
tst_example -input <full_path>/test.qml

注意: Specifying the full path to the qml test file is for example needed for shadow builds.

If your test case needs QML imports, then you can add them as -import options to the test program command-line.

If IMPORTPATH is specified in your .pro file, each import path added to IMPORTPATH will be passed as a command-line argument when the test is run using "make check":

IMPORTPATH += $$PWD/../imports/my_module1 $$PWD/../imports/my_module2

The -functions command-line option will return a list of the current tests functions. It is possible to run a single test function using the name of the test function as an argument. For example:

tst_example Test_Name::function1

The -help command-line option will return all the options available.

tst_example -help