Ping Pong States Example

This example implements a statechart where two states communicate by posting events to the state machine. The state chart looks as follows:

pinger and ponger states are parallel states, i.e. they are entered simultaneously and will take transitions independently of eachother.

pinger state will post the first ping event upon entry; the ponger state will respond by posting a pong event; this will cause the pinger state to post a new ping event; and so on.

class PingEvent : public QEvent
    PingEvent() : QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+2))
class PongEvent : public QEvent
    PongEvent() : QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+3))

Two custom events are defined, PingEvent and PongEvent .

class Pinger : public QState
    Pinger(QState *parent)
        : QState(parent) {}
    void onEntry(QEvent *) override
        machine()->postEvent(new PingEvent());
        fprintf(stdout, "ping?\n");

Pinger class defines a state that posts a PingEvent to the state machine when the state is entered.

class PingTransition : public QAbstractTransition
    PingTransition() {}
    bool eventTest(QEvent *e) override {
        return (e->type() == QEvent::User+2);
    void onTransition(QEvent *) override
        machine()->postDelayedEvent(new PongEvent(), 500);
        fprintf(stdout, "pong!\n");

PingTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by events of type PingEvent , and that posts a PongEvent (with a delay of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is triggered.

class PongTransition : public QAbstractTransition
    PongTransition() {}
    bool eventTest(QEvent *e) override {
        return (e->type() == QEvent::User+3);
    void onTransition(QEvent *) override
        machine()->postDelayedEvent(new PingEvent(), 500);
        fprintf(stdout, "ping?\n");

PongTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by events of type PongEvent , and that posts a PingEvent (with a delay of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is triggered.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
    QStateMachine machine;
    QState *group = new QState(QState::ParallelStates);

The main() function begins by creating a state machine and a parallel state group.

    Pinger *pinger = new Pinger(group);
    pinger->addTransition(new PongTransition());
    QState *ponger = new QState(group);
    ponger->addTransition(new PingTransition());

Next, the pinger and ponger states are created, with the parallel state group as their parent state. Note that the transitions are targetless . When such a transition is triggered, the source state won't be exited and re-entered; only the transition's onTransition() function will be called, and the state machine's configuration will remain the same, which is precisely what we want in this case.

    return app.exec();

Finally, the group is added to the state machine, the machine is started, and the application event loop is entered.
