Canvas3DAbstractObject QML Type

Base type for Canvas3D types representing OpenGL resources. 更多...

import 语句: import QtCanvas3D 1.1
Since: QtCanvas3D 1.0
继承者: Canvas3DBuffer , Canvas3DFrameBuffer , Canvas3DProgram , Canvas3DRenderBuffer , Canvas3DShader , Canvas3DTexture ,和 Canvas3DUniformLocation



Deprecated in Qt 5.12. An uncreatable QML type that is the base type for other Canvas3D types that represent OpenGL resources.


invalidated : bool

Deprecated in Qt 5.12. Indicates if this object has been invalidated. Invalidated objects cannot be valid parameters in Context3D methods and will result in Context3D.INVALID_OPERATION error if used. Objects are invalidated when context is lost and cannot be validated again.

另请参阅 Canvas3D.contextLost .

name : string

Deprecated in Qt 5.12. Name of the object. Canvas3D module and APIs were deprecated in Qt 5.12.