TraceInputKey QML Type

A specialized key for collecting touch input data. 更多...

import 语句: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.4
Since: QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0
继承: Item



This type can be placed in the keyboard layout. It collects and renders touch input data (trace) from the key area.


[read-only] boundingBox : alias

Bounding box for the trace input.

This property is readonly and is automatically updated based on the item size and margins.

canvasType : alias

Canvas type of this trace input area.

This property can be used to distinguish between different types of canvases. The default value is "keyboard" .

horizontalRulers : alias

List of horizontal rulers in the input area.

The rulers are defined as a number of pixels from the top edge of the bounding box.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to define rulers:

horizontalRulers: [boundingBox.height / 3, boundingBox.height / 3 * 2]
verticalRulers: [boundingBox.width / 3, boundingBox.width / 3 * 2]

patternRecognitionMode : alias

Pattern recognition mode of this input area.

默认值为 InputEngine.PatternRecognitionMode.None .

verticalRulers : alias

List of vertical rulers in the input area.

The rulers are defined as a number of pixels from the left edge of the bounding box.

weight : real

Sets the key weight value which determines the relative size of the key.

Use this property to change the key size in the layout.

The default value is inherited from the parent element of the key in the layout hierarchy.