以下成员源于类 QNetworkProxyQuery 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。
QNetworkProxyQuery (const QNetworkConfiguration & networkConfiguration , const QUrl & requestUrl , QNetworkProxyQuery::QueryType queryType = UrlRequest) |
QNetworkProxyQuery (const QNetworkConfiguration & networkConfiguration , const QString & hostname , int port , const QString & protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery::QueryType queryType = TcpSocket) |
QNetworkProxyQuery (const QNetworkConfiguration & networkConfiguration , quint16 bindPort , const QString & protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery::QueryType queryType = TcpServer) |
networkConfiguration () const |
setNetworkConfiguration (const QNetworkConfiguration & networkConfiguration ) |
构造 QNetworkProxyQuery with the URL requestUrl and sets the query type to queryType 。指定 networkConfiguration 参数被忽略。
另请参阅 protocolTag (), peerHostName (), peerPort (),和 networkConfiguration ().
构造 QNetworkProxyQuery 类型 queryType and sets the protocol tag to be protocolTag . This constructor is suitable for QNetworkProxyQuery::TcpSocket queries, because it sets the peer hostname to hostname and the peer's port number to port 。指定 networkConfiguration 参数被忽略。
另请参阅 networkConfiguration ().
构造 QNetworkProxyQuery 类型 queryType and sets the protocol tag to be protocolTag . This constructor is suitable for QNetworkProxyQuery::TcpSocket queries because it sets the local port number to bindPort 。指定 networkConfiguration 参数被忽略。
注意, bindPort is of type quint16 to indicate the exact port number that is requested. The value of -1 (unknown) is not allowed in this context.
另请参阅 localPort () 和 networkConfiguration ().
Returns QNetworkConfiguration().
另请参阅 setNetworkConfiguration ().
This function does nothing. The specified networkConfiguration 参数被忽略。
另请参阅 networkConfiguration ().