QPrintPreviewDialog 类

The QPrintPreviewDialog class provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output. 更多...

头: #include <QPrintPreviewDialog>
qmake: QT += printsupport
Since: Qt 4.4
继承: QDialog


QPrintPreviewDialog (QPrinter * printer , QWidget * parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags())
QPrintPreviewDialog (QWidget * parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags())
virtual ~QPrintPreviewDialog ()
void open (QObject * receiver , const char * member )
QPrinter * printer ()


virtual void done (int result ) override
virtual void setVisible (bool visible ) override


void paintRequested (QPrinter * printer )


const QMetaObject staticMetaObject



The QPrintPreviewDialog class provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output.

使用 QPrintPreviewDialog in your existing application is straightforward:

  1. 创建 QPrintPreviewDialog .

    You can construct a QPrintPreviewDialog with an existing QPrinter object, or you can have QPrintPreviewDialog create one for you, which will be the system default printer.

  2. Connect the paintRequested () signal to a slot.

    When the dialog needs to generate a set of preview pages, the paintRequested () signal will be emitted. You can use the exact same code for the actual printing as for having the preview generated, including calling QPrinter::newPage () to start a new page in the preview. Connect a slot to the paintRequested () signal, where you draw onto the QPrinter object that is passed into the slot.

  3. 调用 exec ().

    调用 QPrintPreviewDialog::exec () to show the preview dialog.

另请参阅 QPrinter , QPrintDialog , QPageSetupDialog ,和 QPrintPreviewWidget .


QPrintPreviewDialog:: QPrintPreviewDialog ( QPrinter * printer , QWidget * parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags())

构造 QPrintPreviewDialog 基于 printer 和采用 parent as the parent widget. The widget flags flags 被传递给 QWidget 构造函数。

另请参阅 QWidget::setWindowFlags ().

QPrintPreviewDialog:: QPrintPreviewDialog ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags())


This will create an internal QPrinter object, which will use the system default printer.

[virtual] QPrintPreviewDialog:: ~QPrintPreviewDialog ()

销毁 QPrintPreviewDialog .

[override virtual] void QPrintPreviewDialog:: done ( int result )

重实现自 QDialog::done ().

void QPrintPreviewDialog:: open ( QObject * receiver , const char * member )


Opens the dialog and connects its finished(int) signal to the slot specified by receiver and member .


该函数在 Qt 4.5 引入。

[signal] void QPrintPreviewDialog:: paintRequested ( QPrinter * printer )

此信号被发射当 QPrintPreviewDialog needs to generate a set of preview pages.

The printer instance supplied is the paint device onto which you should paint the contents of each page, using the QPrinter instance in the same way as you would when printing directly.

QPrinter *QPrintPreviewDialog:: printer ()

返回指针指向 QPrinter object this dialog is currently operating on.

[override virtual] void QPrintPreviewDialog:: setVisible ( bool visible )

重实现自 QDialog::setVisible ().