地点地图范例演示如何搜索和显示地图上的地点列表使用 MapItemView .
The example displays a map of the current location or, if no position is available, it uses Brisbane/Australia. Subsequently a search for places matching the term "pizza" is performed and each result shown on the map.
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To write the QML application that will show places on a map, we start by making the following import declarations.
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtPositioning 5.5 import QtLocation 5.6
Instantiate a Plugin instance. The Plugin is effectively the backend from where places are sourced from. Depending on the chosen plugin some manadatory parameters may be needed. In this case the OSM plugin is selected which does not have any mandatory parameters.
Plugin { id: myPlugin name: "osm" // "mapboxgl", "esri", ... //specify plugin parameters if necessary //PluginParameter {...} //PluginParameter {...} //... }
Next we instantiate a PlaceSearchModel which we can use to specify search parameters and perform a places search operation. For illustrative purposes, update() is invoked once construction of the model is complete. Typically update() would be invoked in response to a user action such as a button click.
property variant locationOslo: QtPositioning.coordinate( 59.93, 10.76) PlaceSearchModel { id: searchModel plugin: myPlugin searchTerm: "Pizza" searchArea: QtPositioning.circle(locationOslo) Component.onCompleted: update() }
The map is displayed by using the
type and inside we declare the
and supply the search model and a delegate. An inline delegate has been used and we have assumed that every search result is of
. Consequently it is assumed that we always have access to the
, other search result types may not have a
Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent plugin: myPlugin; center: locationOslo zoomLevel: 13 MapItemView { model: searchModel delegate: MapQuickItem { coordinate: place.location.coordinate anchorPoint.x: image.width * 0.5 anchorPoint.y: image.height sourceItem: Column { Image { id: image; source: "marker.png" } Text { text: title; font.bold: true } } } } }
Finally, a
is used to reset the map to the curent location and find "pizza" places in the new area. The position information is updated every 2 minutes and if the new position is more than 500 meters away from the last pizza search area the place search is retriggered.
PositionSource { id: positionSource property variant lastSearchPosition: locationOslo active: true updateInterval: 120000 // 2 mins onPositionChanged: { var currentPosition = positionSource.position.coordinate map.center = currentPosition var distance = currentPosition.distanceTo(lastSearchPosition) if (distance > 500) { // 500m from last performed pizza search lastSearchPosition = currentPosition searchModel.searchArea = QtPositioning.circle(currentPosition) searchModel.update() } } }