The following commands are used to render source code without formatting. The source code begins on a new line, rendered in the code.
注意: Although most of these commands are for rendering C++ code, the \snippet and \codeline commands are preferred over the others. These commands allow equivalent code snippets for other Qt language bindings to be substituted for the C++ snippets in the documentation.
The \code and \endcode commands enclose a snippet of source code.
注意: The \c command can be used for short code fragments within a sentence. The \code command is for longer code snippets. It renders the code verbatim in a separate paragraph in a html <pre> element, and parses the enclosed snippet, creating links to any known types in the code.
For documenting command-line instructions, shell scripts, or any content that is not in a Qt language recognized by QDoc, use \badcode 代替。
When processing any of the \code,
commands, QDoc removes all indentation that is common for the verbatim code blocks within a
comment before it adds the standard indentation.
注意: This doesn't apply to externally quoted code using the \quotefromfile or \quotefile 命令。
/ *! \code #include <QApplication> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... } \ endcode * /
QDoc renders this as:
#include <QApplication> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... }
Other QDoc commands are disabled within \code... \endcode, and the special character '\' is accepted and rendered like the rest of the code, unless it is followed by a digit and parameters were passed to \code.
Since QDoc version 5.12, \code command accepts also optional parameters. Parameters are useful for injecting simple strings into the code snippet. To inject a string to a specific location in the snippet, add a backslash followed by a digit (1..8). The digits correspond with the order of the argument list, where arguments are separated by spaces.
/ *! \code * hello /\1 \2 \1/ \ endcode * /
For the above snippet, QDoc renders the word hello enclosed in a C-style comment.
To include code snippets from an external file, use the \snippet and \codeline 命令。
另请参阅 \c , \badcode , \quotefromfile , \newcode ,和 \oldcode .
类似于 \code , \badcode and \endcode commands enclose content that is rendered verbatim in a separate paragraph, but no parsing or automatic link creation is performed. Instead, the content is treated as plain text.
Substitute \code with this command when documenting command-line instructions, shell scripts or any other content that is not in a Qt language, but should still be styled similarly to a \code paragraph.
Like \code, \badcode accepts also optional parameters.
The \newcode, \oldcode, and \endcode commands enable you to show how to port a snippet of code to a new version of an API.
The \newcode command and its companion the \oldcode command are a convenience combination of the \code commands: this combination provides a text relating the two code snippets to each other.
The \newcode command requires a preceding \oldcode statement.
像 \code command, the \newcode command renders its code on a new line in the documentation using a monospace font and the standard indentation.
/ *! \oldcode if (printer->setup(parent)) ... \newcode QPrintDialog dialog(printer, parent); if (dialog.exec()) ... \ endcode * /
QDoc renders this as:
if (printer->setup(parent)) ...
QPrintDialog dialog(printer, parent); if (dialog.exec()) ...
Other QDoc commands are disabled within \oldcode ... \endcode, and the '\' character doesn't need to be escaped.
The \oldcode command requires a corresponding \newcode statement; otherwise QDoc fails to parse the command and emits a warning.
另请参阅 \newcode .
The \qml and \endqml commands enclose a snippet of QML source code.
/ *! \qml import QtQuick 2.0 Row { Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 color: "blue" transform: Translate { y: 20 } } Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 color: "red" transform: Translate { y: -20 } } } \endqml * /
QDoc renders this as:
import QtQuick 2.0 Row { Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 color: "blue" transform: Translate { y: 20 } } Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 color: "red" transform: Translate { y: -20 } } }
像 \code command, \qml accepts optional parameters.
文档结构 包括外部代码