This geo services plugin is a special plugin providing only an empty map. This plugin provides no services, and is intended to be used in those cases where a Map element should only show the added map items.
The Items Overlay geo services plugin can be loaded by using the plugin key "itemsoverlay".
The following snippet shows how a Map using this plugin can be added as an overlay to display anti-aliased map items. Note that for such an overlay Map to be transparent, it is also necessary to set its color to a transparent one, such as transparent , like in the example.
Window { id: win visible: true width: 640 height: 640 Map { id: mapBase gesture.enabled: true anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" } center: QtPositioning.coordinate(45,10) zoomLevel: 4 z: parent.z + 1 } Map { id: mapOverlay anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "itemsoverlay" } gesture.enabled: false center: color: 'transparent' // Necessary to make this map transparent minimumFieldOfView: mapBase.minimumFieldOfView maximumFieldOfView: mapBase.maximumFieldOfView minimumTilt: mapBase.minimumTilt maximumTilt: mapBase.maximumTilt minimumZoomLevel: mapBase.minimumZoomLevel maximumZoomLevel: mapBase.maximumZoomLevel zoomLevel: mapBase.zoomLevel tilt: mapBase.tilt; bearing: mapBase.bearing fieldOfView: mapBase.fieldOfView z: mapBase.z + 1 MapCircle { id: circle center: QtPositioning.coordinate(44, 10) radius: 200000 border.width: 5 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent parent } } // The code below enables SSAA layer.enabled: true layer.smooth: true property int w : mapOverlay.width property int h : mapOverlay.height property int pr: Screen.devicePixelRatio layer.textureSize: Qt.size(w * 2 * pr, h * 2 * pr) } }