QAndroidActivityResultReceiver 类

用于从主 Android 活动 onActivityResult() 回调的接口。 更多...

头: #include <QAndroidActivityResultReceiver>
qmake: QT += androidextras
Since: Qt 5.3

该类在 Qt 5.3 引入。


virtual void handleActivityResult (int receiverRequestCode , int resultCode , const QAndroidJniObject & data ) = 0


Create a subclass of this class to be notified of the results when using the QtAndroid::startActivity() and QtAndroid::startIntentSender() APIs.


[pure virtual] void QAndroidActivityResultReceiver:: handleActivityResult ( int receiverRequestCode , int resultCode , const QAndroidJniObject & data )

Reimplement this function to get activity results after starting an activity using either QtAndroid::startActivity () 或 QtAndroid::startIntentSender ()。 receiverRequestCode is the request code unique to this receiver which was originally passed to the startActivity() or startIntentSender() functions. The resultCode is the result returned by the activity, and data is either null or a Java object of the class android.content.Intent. Both the last to arguments are identical to the arguments passed to onActivityResult().