AnimatedImage QML Type

Plays animations stored as a series of images. 更多...

import 语句: import QtQuick 2.15




The AnimatedImage type extends the features of the Image type, providing a way to play animations stored as images containing a series of frames, such as those stored in GIF files.

Information about the current frame and total length of the animation can be obtained using the currentFrame and frameCount properties. You can start, pause and stop the animation by changing the values of the playing and paused 特性。

The full list of supported formats can be determined with QMovie::supportedFormats() .


The following QML shows how to display an animated image and obtain information about its state, such as the current frame and total number of frames. The result is an animated image with a simple progress indicator underneath it.

注意 : When animated images are cached, every frame of the animation will be cached.

Set cache to false if you are playing a long or large animation and you want to conserve memory.

If the image data comes from a sequential device (e.g. a socket), AnimatedImage can only loop if cache is set to true.

import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
    width: animation.width; height: animation.height + 8
    AnimatedImage { id: animation; source: "animation.gif" }
    Rectangle {
        property int frames: animation.frameCount
        width: 4; height: 8
        x: (animation.width - width) * animation.currentFrame / frames
        y: animation.height
        color: "red"

另请参阅 BorderImage and Image .


currentFrame : int

frameCount : int

currentFrame is the frame that is currently visible. By monitoring this property for changes, you can animate other items at the same time as the image.

frameCount is the number of frames in the animation. For some animation formats, frameCount is unknown and has a value of zero.

paused : bool

This property holds whether the animated image is paused.

By default, this property is false. Set it to true when you want to pause the animation.

playing : bool

This property holds whether the animated image is playing.

By default, this property is true, meaning that the animation will start playing immediately.

注意 : this property is affected by changes to the actual playing state of AnimatedImage . If non-animated images are used, playing will need to be manually set to true in order to animate following images.

AnimatedImage {
    onStatusChanged: playing = (status == AnimatedImage.Ready)

source : url

This property holds the URL that refers to the source image.

AnimatedImage can handle any image format supported by Qt, loaded from any URL scheme supported by Qt. It is however not compatible with QQuickImageProvider .

speed : real

This property holds the speed of the animation.

The speed is measured in percentage of the original animated image speed. The default speed is 1.0 (original speed).

This property was introduced in QtQuick 2.11.