ProgressBar QML Type

A progress indicator. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
Since: Qt 5.1




The ProgressBar is used to give an indication of the progress of an operation. value is updated regularly and must be between minimumValue and maximumValue .

Column {
    ProgressBar {
        value: 0.5
    ProgressBar {
        indeterminate: true

You can create a custom appearance for a ProgressBar by assigning a ProgressBarStyle .


[read-only] hovered : bool

This property indicates whether the control is being hovered.

indeterminate : bool

This property toggles indeterminate mode. When the actual progress is unknown, use this option. The progress bar will be animated as a busy indicator instead. The default value is false .

maximumValue : real

This property is the progress bar's maximum value. The value is clamped to this value. If maximumValue is smaller than minimumValue , minimumValue will be enforced. The default value is 1 .

minimumValue : real

This property is the progress bar's minimum value. The value is clamped to this value. The default value is 0 .

orientation : int

This property holds the orientation of the progress bar.

  • Qt.Horizontal - Horizontal orientation. (Default)
  • Qt.Vertical - Vertical orientation.

value : real

This property holds the progress bar's current value. Attempting to change the current value to one outside the minimum-maximum range has no effect on the current value.

默认值为 0 .