AluminumBrushedMaterial QML 类型

拉丝铝材料。 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Materials 1.15


The brushed aluminum material has the following properties:

特性名称 特性类型 描述
uEnvironmentMappingEnabled bool Does the material use an environment map. Default is true .
uShadowMappingEnabled bool Does the material use a baked shadow map. Default is false .
tiling vector3d Tiling repeat of the brush texture map. Default is Qt.vector3d(3, 3, 3) .
brushing_strength real 笔刷笔画强度。默认为 0.5 .
reflection_stretch real 反射拉伸。默认为 0.5 .
metal_color vector3d Base color of the material. Default is Qt.vector3d(0.95, 0.95, 0.95) .
bump_amount real Depth of the brush strokes. Default is 0.4 .
uEnvironmentTexture TextureInput The environment texture map. Enabled when uEnvironmentMappingEnabled is true . Default is a Texture with source "maps/spherical_checker.png" .
uBakedShadowTexture TextureInput The baked shadow texture map. Enabled when uShadowMappingEnabled is true . Default is a Texture with source "maps/shadow.png" .
brush_texture TextureInput The brush texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/brushed_full_contrast.png" .
roughness_texture_u TextureInput The horizontal roughness texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/brushed_full_contrast.png" .
roughness_texture_v TextureInput The vertical roughness texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/brushed_full_contrast.png" .
bump_texture TextureInput The bump texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/brushed_a.png" .