Qt Quick 3D QML 类型

This is the QML frontend for using the spatial renderer and scenegraph. For the time being, all 3D content goes through offscreen textures (FBO)s so that they can be composed into Qt Quick scenes (as a QQuickItem ).

Qt Quick 3D provides the following QML types:

QtQuick3D QML 类型

采用以下语句导入 QtQuick3D 模块:

import QtQuick3D 1.15
AreaLight Defines an area light in the scene
Blending Defines the blending state in a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
Bounds Specifies the bounds of a model
Buffer Defines a buffer to be used for a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
BufferBlit Defines a copy operation between two buffers in a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
BufferInput Defines an input buffer to be used for a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
Camera Defines an abstract base for Cameras
Command Defines a command to be performed in a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
CullMode Defines the cull mode for render pass
CustomCamera Defines a Custom Camera for viewing the content of a 3D scene
DefaultMaterial Defines a Material generated depending on which properties are set
DepthInput Defines the output texture for the depth buffer
DirectionalLight Defines a directional light in the scene
FrustumCamera Defines a Perspective Frustum Camera for viewing the content of a 3D scene
几何体 An Abstract base type for custom geometry
Light An uncreatable abstract base type for all lights
Loader3D Allows dynamic loading of a 3D subtree from a URL or Component
Material Lets you define material for the 3D item
Model Lets you load a 3D model data
Node Base component for an object that exists in a 3D Scene
Object3D Abstract base type of all 3D nodes and resources
OrthographicCamera Defines a Orthographic Camera for viewing the content of a 3D scene
Pass Defines a render pass in the CustomMaterial or the Effect
PerspectiveCamera Defines a Perspective Camera for viewing the content of a 3D scene
PickResult Contains the results of a pick
PointLight Defines a point light in the scene
PrincipledMaterial Lets you define a material for 3D items
QuaternionAnimation A PropertyAnimation for quaternions
RenderState Defines the render state to be disabled in a pass of a CustomMaterial or an Effect
RenderStats Provides information of the scene rendering
Repeater3D Instantiates a number of Node-based components using a provided model
SceneEnvironment Lets you configure how a scene is rendered
SetUniformValue Defines a value to be set during a single pass
Shader Container component for defining shader code used by CustomMaterials and Effects
ShaderInfo Defines basic information about custom shader code for CustomMaterials
SpotLight Defines a spot light in the scene
Texture Defines a texture for use in 3D scenes
TextureInput Defines a texture channel for a Custom Material or an Effect
View3D Provides a viewport on which to render a 3D scene

QtQuick3D.Materials QML 类型

采用以下语句导入 QtQuick3D.Materials 模块:

import QtQuick3D.Materials 1.15
AluminumAnodizedEmissiveMaterial Anodized aluminum material with emissive properties
AluminumAnodizedMaterial Anodized aluminum material
AluminumBrushedMaterial Brushed aluminum material
AluminumEmissiveMaterial Aluminum with emissive properties
AluminumMaterial Aluminum material
CopperMaterial Copper material
CustomMaterial Base component for creating custom materials used to shade models
FrostedGlassMaterial Frosted Glass material
FrostedGlassSinglePassMaterial Frosted Glass single-pass material
GlassMaterial 玻璃材质
GlassRefractiveMaterial Refractive glass material
PaperArtisticMaterial Artistic paper material
PaperOfficeMaterial Office paper material
PlasticStructuredRedEmissiveMaterial Structured red plastic material with emissive properties
PlasticStructuredRedMaterial Structured red plastic material
SteelMilledConcentricMaterial Milled concentric steel material
import QtQuick3D.Effects 1.15
AdditiveColorGradient A gradient with additive color effect
Blur A one-pass blur effect
BrushStrokes A brush strokes noise effect
ChromaticAberration A chromatic aberration effect
ColorMaster A color adjustment effect
DepthOfFieldHQBlur A depth-based blur effect
Desaturate A desaturating effect
DistortionRipple A ripple distortion effect
DistortionSphere A sphere distortion effect
DistortionSpiral A spiral distortion effect
EdgeDetect An edge highlighting effect
Effect Base component for creating a post-processing effect
Emboss An emboss effect
Flip A scene flipping effect
Fxaa A fast approximate anti-aliasing effect
GaussianBlur A two-pass gaussian blur effect
HDRBloomTonemap A bloom with tonemapping effect
MotionBlur A motion blur effect
SCurveTonemap A tonemapping effect
Scatter A scatter noise effect
TiltShift A tilt shift blur effect
Vignette A vignette effect

QtQuick3D.Helpers QML 类型

采用以下语句导入 QtQuick3D.Helpers 模块:

import QtQuick3D.Helpers 1.15
AxisHelper Visual helper for showing axis in 3D scene
DebugView View to show render statistics
GridGeometry Visual helper for showing grid in a scene
WasdController Control node position and orientation with keys and mouse