XdgSurfaceV5 QML Type

提供 xdg_surface that offers desktop-style compositor-specific features to a surface. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.15
Since: Qt 5.8





This type is part of the XdgShellV5 extension and provides a way to extend the functionality of an existing WaylandSurface with features specific to desktop-style compositors, such as resizing and moving the surface.

It corresponds to the Wayland interface xdg_surface for the unstable xdg-shell protocol v5.


parentSurface : XdgSurfaceV5

此特性保持 XdgSurfaceV5 parent of this XdgSurfaceV5 . When a parent surface is set, the parentSurfaceChanged() signal is guaranteed to be emitted before setTopLevel() and setTransient() .

另请参阅 QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV5::setTopLevel() and QtWaylandCompositor::XdgSurfaceV5::setTransient() .

shell : XdgShellV5

This property holds the shell associated with this XdgSurfaceV5 .

surface : WaylandSurface

This property holds the surface associated with this XdgSurfaceV5 .

title : string

This property holds the title of the XdgSurfaceV5 .

windowType : enumeration

This property holds the window type of the XdgSurfaceV5 .


void ackConfigure ( int serial )

This signal is emitted when the client has received configure events up to and including the configure event with serial serial and will draw its surface accordingly in the next committed buffer.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onAckConfigure .

void setFullscreen ( WaylandOutput output )

This signal is emitted when the client wants the xdg_surface to be in full screen mode. The client may specify an output it wishes the xdg_surface to be shown on.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onSetFullscreen .

void setMaximized ()

This signal is emitted when the client wants the xdg_surface to be maximized.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onSetMaximized .

void setMinimized ()

This signal is emitted when the client wants the xdg_surface to be minimized.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onSetMinimized .

setTopLevel ()

This signal is emitted when the parent surface is unset, effectively making the window top level.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onSetTopLevel .

setTransient ()

This signal is emitted when the parent surface is set, effectively making the window transient.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onSetTransient .

void showWindowMenu ( WaylandSeat seat , point localSurfacePosition )

This signal is emitted when the client wants to show a context menu at localSurfacePosition , using the Wayland seat seat . It's typically emitted in response to the user right-clicking the window decorations.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onShowWindowMenu .

void startMove ( WaylandSeat seat )

This signal is emitted when the client wants to start an interactive move of the XdgSurfaceV5 , typically in response to the window decorations being dragged by seat .

注意: 相应处理程序是 onStartMove .

void startResize ( WaylandSeat seat , enumeration edges )

This signal is emitted when the client wants to start an interactive resize of the XdgSurfaceV5 , typically in response to the window decorations being dragged by seat on the window borders given by edges .

注意: 相应处理程序是 onStartResize .

另请参阅 QWaylandXdgSurfaceV5::ResizeEdge .

void unsetFullscreen ()

This signal is emitted when the client doesn't want the xdg_surface to be in full screen mode anymore.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onUnsetFullscreen .

void unsetMaximized ()

This signal is emitted when the client doesn't want the xdg_surface to be maximized anymore.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onUnsetMaximized .


void initialize ( XdgShellV5 xdgShell , WaylandSurface surface , WaylandResource resource )

初始化 XdgSurfaceV5 , associating it with the given xdgShell , surface ,和 resource .

void sendClose ()

Sends a close event to the client.

int sendConfigure ( size size , list < uint > states )

Sends a configure event to the client. size contains the pixel size of the surface. Known states are enumerated in XdgSurfaceV5::State.