QOpcUa 名称空间

QOpcUa 名称空间包含用于整个 Qt OPC UA 库的杂项标识符。 更多...

头: #include <QOpcUa>


    namespace NodeIds


    flags AccessLevel
    enum class AccessLevelBit { None, CurrentRead, CurrentWrite, HistoryRead, HistoryWrite, …, TimestampWrite }
    enum class AxisScale { Linear, Log, Ln }
    enum class ErrorCategory { NoError, NodeError, AttributeError, PermissionError, ArgumentError, …, UnspecifiedError }
    flags EventNotifier
    enum class EventNotifierBit { None, SubscribeToEvents, HistoryRead, HistoryWrite }
    enum class NodeAttribute { None, NodeId, NodeClass, BrowseName, DisplayName, …, UserExecutable }
    flags NodeAttributes
    enum class NodeClass { Undefined, Object, Variable, Method, ObjectType, …, View }
    flags NodeClasses
    enum class ReferenceTypeId { Unspecified, References, NonHierarchicalReferences, HierarchicalReferences, HasChild, …, HasCondition }
    typedef TypedVariant
    enum 类型 { Boolean, Int32, UInt32, Double, Float, …, Undefined }
    enum UaStatusCode { Good, BadUnexpectedError, BadInternalError, BadOutOfMemory, BadResourceUnavailable, …, BadMaxConnectionsReached }
    flags WriteMask
    enum class WriteMaskBit { None, AccessLevel, ArrayDimensions, BrowseName, ContainsNoLoops, …, ValueForVariableType }


    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory errorCategory (QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )
    bool isSecurePolicy (const QString & securityPolicy )
    bool isSuccessStatus (QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )
    QOpcUa::Types metaTypeToQOpcUaType (QMetaType::Type type )
    QString namespace0Id (QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 id )
    QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 namespace0IdFromNodeId (const QString & nodeId )
    QString namespace0IdName (QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 id )
    bool nodeIdEquals (const QString & first , const QString & second )
    QString nodeIdFromByteString (quint16 ns , const QByteArray & 标识符 )
    QString nodeIdFromGuid (quint16 ns , const QUuid & 标识符 )
    QString nodeIdFromInteger (quint16 ns , quint32 标识符 )
    QString nodeIdFromReferenceType (QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId referenceType )
    QString nodeIdFromString (quint16 ns , const QString & 标识符 )
    bool nodeIdStringSplit (const QString & nodeIdString , quint16 * nsIndex , QString * 标识符 , char * identifierType )
    uint qHash (const QOpcUa::NodeAttribute & attr )
    QString statusToString (QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )



    namespace QOpcUa:: NodeIds


    enum class QOpcUa:: AccessLevelBit
    flags QOpcUa:: AccessLevel

    This enum contains all possible bits for the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel node attributes defined in OPC-UA part 3, Table 8.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::None 0 No read access to the Value attribute is permitted.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::CurrentRead (1 << 0) The current value can be read.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::CurrentWrite (1 << 1) The current value can be written.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::HistoryRead (1 << 2) The history of the value is readable.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::HistoryWrite (1 << 3) The history of the value is writable.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::SemanticChange (1 << 4) The property variable generates SemanticChangeEvents.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::StatusWrite (1 << 5) The status code of the value is writable.
    QOpcUa::AccessLevelBit::TimestampWrite (1 << 6) The SourceTimestamp is writable.

    The AccessLevel type is a typedef for QFlags <AccessLevelBit>. It stores an OR combination of AccessLevelBit values.

    enum class QOpcUa:: AxisScale

    The AxisScale enum as defined by OPC-UA part 8, 5.6.7.

    QOpcUa::AxisScale::Linear 0
    QOpcUa::AxisScale::Log 1
    QOpcUa::AxisScale::Ln 2

    enum class QOpcUa:: ErrorCategory

    This enum contains simplified categories for OPC UA errors.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::NoError 0 The operation has been successful.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::NodeError 1 There is a problem with the node, e. g. it does not exist.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::AttributeError 2 The attributes to operate on where invalid.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::PermissionError 3 The user did not have the permission to perform the operation.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::ArgumentError 4 The arguments supplied by the user were invalid or incomplete.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::TypeError 5 There has been a type mismatch for a write operation.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::ConnectionError 6 Communication with the server did not work as expected.
    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory::UnspecifiedError 7 Any error that is not categorized. The detailed status code must be checked.

    enum class QOpcUa:: EventNotifierBit
    flags QOpcUa:: EventNotifier

    This enum contains all possible bits for the EventNotifier node attribute defined in OPC-UA part 3, Table 6.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::EventNotifierBit::None 0 The node can't be used to interact with events.
    QOpcUa::EventNotifierBit::SubscribeToEvents (1 << 0) A client can subscribe to events.
    QOpcUa::EventNotifierBit::HistoryRead (1 << 2) A client can read the event history.
    QOpcUa::EventNotifierBit::HistoryWrite (1 << 3) A client can write the event history.

    The EventNotifier type is a typedef for QFlags <EventNotifierBit>. It stores an OR combination of EventNotifierBit values.

    enum class QOpcUa:: NodeAttribute
    flags QOpcUa:: NodeAttributes

    This enum contains the 22 node attributes defined in OPC-UA part 4, 5.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::None 0 No node attribute.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::NodeId (1 << 0) Mandatory for all nodes. Contains the node's id in the OPC UA address space.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::NodeClass (1 << 1) Mandatory for all nodes. Contains the node id describing the node class of the node.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::BrowseName (1 << 2) Mandatory for all nodes. Contains a non-localized human readable name of the node.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::DisplayName (1 << 3) Mandatory for all nodes. Contains a localized human readable name for display purposes.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Description (1 << 4) Contains a localized human readable description of the node.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::WriteMask (1 << 5) Contains a bit mask. Each bit corresponds to a writable attribute (OPC-UA part 3, Table 3).
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::UserWriteMask (1 << 6) 如同 WriteMask but for the current user.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::IsAbstract (1 << 7) True if the node is an abstract type which means that no nodes of this type shall exist.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Symmetric (1 << 8) True if a reference's meaning is the same seen from both ends.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::InverseName (1 << 9) The localized inverse name of a reference (for example " HasSubtype " has the InverseName "SubtypeOf").
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::ContainsNoLoops (1 << 10) True if there is no way to get back to a node following forward references in the current view.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::EventNotifier (1 << 11) Contains a bit mask used to indicate if subscribing to events and access to historic events is supported (OPC-UA part 3, Table 5).
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Value (1 << 12) The value of a Variable node.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::DataType (1 << 13) The NodeId of the Value attribute's data type (for example "ns=0;i=13" for DateTime , see https://opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/1.03/ NodeIds .csv).
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::ValueRank (1 << 14) Contains information about the structure of the Value attribute (scalar/array) (OPC-UA part 3, Table 8).
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::ArrayDimensions (1 << 15) An array containing the length for each dimension of a multi-dimensional array.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::AccessLevel (1 << 16) Contains a bit mask. Each bit corresponds to an access capability (OPC-UA part 3, Table 8).
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::UserAccessLevel (1 << 17) 如同 AccessLevel , but for the current user.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::MinimumSamplingInterval (1 << 18) Contains the shortest possible interval in which the server is able to sample the value.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Historizing (1 << 19) True if historical data is collected.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Executable (1 << 20) True if the node is currently executable. Only relevant for Method nodes.
    QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::UserExecutable (1 << 21) Same as Executable, but for the current user.

    The NodeAttributes type is a typedef for QFlags <NodeAttribute>. It stores an OR combination of NodeAttribute values.

    enum class QOpcUa:: NodeClass
    flags QOpcUa:: NodeClasses

    This enum specifies the class a node belongs to. OPC-UA specifies a fixed set of eight different classes.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::Undefined 0 The node class is not known. This is the case before the NodeClass attribute has been read on the server.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::Object 1 An Object node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::Variable 2 A Variable node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::Method 4 A Method node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::ObjectType 8 An ObjectType node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::VariableType 16 A VariableType node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::ReferenceType 32 A ReferenceType node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::DataType 64 A DataType node.
    QOpcUa::NodeClass::View 128 A View node.

    The NodeClasses type is a typedef for QFlags <NodeClass>. It stores an OR combination of NodeClass values.

    enum class QOpcUa:: ReferenceTypeId

    This enum contains the reference types specified in OPC-UA part 3, 7. They are used to filter for a certain reference type in QOpcUaNode::browseChildren and for the reference type information in QOpcUaReferenceDescription .

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::Unspecified 0 Not a valid reference type.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::References 31 The abstract base type for all references.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::NonHierarchicalReferences 32 The abstract base type for all non-hierarchical references.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HierarchicalReferences 33 The abstract base type for all hierarchical references.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasChild 34 The abstract base type for all non-looping hierarchical references.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::Organizes 35 The type for hierarchical references that are used to organize nodes.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasEventSource 36 The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to organize event sources.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasModellingRule 37 The type for references from instance declarations to modelling rule nodes.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasEncoding 38 The type for references from data type nodes to to data type encoding nodes.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasDescription 39 The type for references from data type encoding nodes to data type description nodes.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasTypeDefinition 40 The type for references from a instance node to its type definition node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::GeneratesEvent 41 The type for references from a node to an event type that is raised by node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::Aggregates 44 The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to aggregate nodes into complex types.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasSubtype 45 The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to define sub types.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasProperty 46 The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its property.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasComponent 47 The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasNotifier 48 The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to indicate how events propagate from node to node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasOrderedComponent 49 The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component when the order of references matters.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::FromState 51 The type for a reference to the state before a transition.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::ToState 52 The type for a reference to the state after a transition.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasCause 53 The type for a reference to a method that can cause a transition to occur.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasEffect 54 The type for a reference to an event that may be raised when a transition occurs.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasHistoricalConfiguration 56 The type for a reference to the historical configuration for a data variable.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasSubStateMachine 117 The type for a reference to a substate for a state.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::AlwaysGeneratesEvent 3065 The type for references from a node to an event type that is always raised by node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasTrueSubState 9004 The type for references from a TRUE super state node to a subordinate state node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasFalseSubState 9005 The type for references from a FALSE super state node to a subordinate state node.
    QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId::HasCondition 9006 The type for references from a ConditionSource node to a Condition.

    typedef QOpcUa:: TypedVariant

    这为 QPair < QVariant , QOpcUa::Types >.

    enum QOpcUa:: 类型

    Enumerates the types supported by Qt OPC UA.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::Boolean 0
    QOpcUa::Int32 1
    QOpcUa::UInt32 2
    QOpcUa::Double 3
    QOpcUa::Float 4
    QOpcUa::String 5
    QOpcUa::LocalizedText 6
    QOpcUa::DateTime 7
    QOpcUa::UInt16 8
    QOpcUa::Int16 9
    QOpcUa::UInt64 10
    QOpcUa::Int64 11
    QOpcUa::Byte 12
    QOpcUa::SByte 13
    QOpcUa::ByteString 14
    QOpcUa::XmlElement 15
    QOpcUa::NodeId 16
    QOpcUa::Guid 17
    QOpcUa::QualifiedName 18 A name qualified by an OPC UA namespace index.
    QOpcUa::StatusCode 19
    QOpcUa::ExtensionObject 20 A data structure which contains a serialized object.
    QOpcUa::Range 21 A range composed from the two double values low and high.
    QOpcUa::EUInformation 22 The unit of measurement for an analog value.
    QOpcUa::ComplexNumber 23 The OPC UA ComplexNumber type.
    QOpcUa::DoubleComplexNumber 24 The OPC UA DoubleComplexNumber type.
    QOpcUa::AxisInformation 25 Information about an axis.
    QOpcUa::XV 26 A float value with a double precision position on an axis.
    QOpcUa::ExpandedNodeId 27 A node id with additional namespace URI and server index.
    QOpcUa::Argument 28 The OPC UA Argument type.
    QOpcUa::Undefined 0xFFFFFFFF

    enum QOpcUa:: UaStatusCode

    Enumerates all status codes from https://opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/1.03/Opc.Ua.StatusCodes.csv

    QOpcUa::Good 0
    QOpcUa::BadUnexpectedError 0x80010000
    QOpcUa::BadInternalError 0x80020000
    QOpcUa::BadOutOfMemory 0x80030000
    QOpcUa::BadResourceUnavailable 0x80040000
    QOpcUa::BadCommunicationError 0x80050000
    QOpcUa::BadEncodingError 0x80060000
    QOpcUa::BadDecodingError 0x80070000
    QOpcUa::BadEncodingLimitsExceeded 0x80080000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestTooLarge 0x80B80000
    QOpcUa::BadResponseTooLarge 0x80B90000
    QOpcUa::BadUnknownResponse 0x80090000
    QOpcUa::BadTimeout 0x800A0000
    QOpcUa::BadServiceUnsupported 0x800B0000
    QOpcUa::BadShutdown 0x800C0000
    QOpcUa::BadServerNotConnected 0x800D0000
    QOpcUa::BadServerHalted 0x800E0000
    QOpcUa::BadNothingToDo 0x800F0000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManyOperations 0x80100000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManyMonitoredItems 0x80DB0000
    QOpcUa::BadDataTypeIdUnknown 0x80110000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateInvalid 0x80120000
    QOpcUa::BadSecurityChecksFailed 0x80130000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateTimeInvalid 0x80140000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerTimeInvalid 0x80150000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateHostNameInvalid 0x80160000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateUriInvalid 0x80170000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateUseNotAllowed 0x80180000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerUseNotAllowed 0x80190000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateUntrusted 0x801A0000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateRevocationUnknown 0x801B0000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerRevocationUnknown 0x801C0000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateRevoked 0x801D0000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateIssuerRevoked 0x801E0000
    QOpcUa::BadCertificateChainIncomplete 0x810D0000
    QOpcUa::BadUserAccessDenied 0x801F0000
    QOpcUa::BadIdentityTokenInvalid 0x80200000
    QOpcUa::BadIdentityTokenRejected 0x80210000
    QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelIdInvalid 0x80220000
    QOpcUa::BadInvalidTimestamp 0x80230000
    QOpcUa::BadNonceInvalid 0x80240000
    QOpcUa::BadSessionIdInvalid 0x80250000
    QOpcUa::BadSessionClosed 0x80260000
    QOpcUa::BadSessionNotActivated 0x80270000
    QOpcUa::BadSubscriptionIdInvalid 0x80280000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestHeaderInvalid 0x802A0000
    QOpcUa::BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid 0x802B0000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestCancelledByClient 0x802C0000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManyArguments 0x80E50000
    QOpcUa::GoodSubscriptionTransferred 0x002D0000
    QOpcUa::GoodCompletesAsynchronously 0x002E0000
    QOpcUa::GoodOverload 0x002F0000
    QOpcUa::GoodClamped 0x00300000
    QOpcUa::BadNoCommunication 0x80310000
    QOpcUa::BadWaitingForInitialData 0x80320000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeIdInvalid 0x80330000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeIdUnknown 0x80340000
    QOpcUa::BadAttributeIdInvalid 0x80350000
    QOpcUa::BadIndexRangeInvalid 0x80360000
    QOpcUa::BadIndexRangeNoData 0x80370000
    QOpcUa::BadDataEncodingInvalid 0x80380000
    QOpcUa::BadDataEncodingUnsupported 0x80390000
    QOpcUa::BadNotReadable 0x803A0000
    QOpcUa::BadNotWritable 0x803B0000
    QOpcUa::BadOutOfRange 0x803C0000
    QOpcUa::BadNotSupported 0x803D0000
    QOpcUa::BadNotFound 0x803E0000
    QOpcUa::BadObjectDeleted 0x803F0000
    QOpcUa::BadNotImplemented 0x80400000
    QOpcUa::BadMonitoringModeInvalid 0x80410000
    QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid 0x80420000
    QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemFilterInvalid 0x80430000
    QOpcUa::BadMonitoredItemFilterUnsupported 0x80440000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterNotAllowed 0x80450000
    QOpcUa::BadStructureMissing 0x80460000
    QOpcUa::BadEventFilterInvalid 0x80470000
    QOpcUa::BadContentFilterInvalid 0x80480000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterOperatorInvalid 0x80C10000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterOperatorUnsupported 0x80C20000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterOperandCountMismatch 0x80C30000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterOperandInvalid 0x80490000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterElementInvalid 0x80C40000
    QOpcUa::BadFilterLiteralInvalid 0x80C50000
    QOpcUa::BadContinuationPointInvalid 0x804A0000
    QOpcUa::BadNoContinuationPoints 0x804B0000
    QOpcUa::BadReferenceTypeIdInvalid 0x804C0000
    QOpcUa::BadBrowseDirectionInvalid 0x804D0000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeNotInView 0x804E0000
    QOpcUa::BadServerUriInvalid 0x804F0000
    QOpcUa::BadServerNameMissing 0x80500000
    QOpcUa::BadDiscoveryUrlMissing 0x80510000
    QOpcUa::BadSempahoreFileMissing 0x80520000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestTypeInvalid 0x80530000
    QOpcUa::BadSecurityModeRejected 0x80540000
    QOpcUa::BadSecurityPolicyRejected 0x80550000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManySessions 0x80560000
    QOpcUa::BadUserSignatureInvalid 0x80570000
    QOpcUa::BadApplicationSignatureInvalid 0x80580000
    QOpcUa::BadNoValidCertificates 0x80590000
    QOpcUa::BadIdentityChangeNotSupported 0x80C60000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestCancelledByRequest 0x805A0000
    QOpcUa::BadParentNodeIdInvalid 0x805B0000
    QOpcUa::BadReferenceNotAllowed 0x805C0000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeIdRejected 0x805D0000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeIdExists 0x805E0000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeClassInvalid 0x805F0000
    QOpcUa::BadBrowseNameInvalid 0x80600000
    QOpcUa::BadBrowseNameDuplicated 0x80610000
    QOpcUa::BadNodeAttributesInvalid 0x80620000
    QOpcUa::BadTypeDefinitionInvalid 0x80630000
    QOpcUa::BadSourceNodeIdInvalid 0x80640000
    QOpcUa::BadTargetNodeIdInvalid 0x80650000
    QOpcUa::BadDuplicateReferenceNotAllowed 0x80660000
    QOpcUa::BadInvalidSelfReference 0x80670000
    QOpcUa::BadReferenceLocalOnly 0x80680000
    QOpcUa::BadNoDeleteRights 0x80690000
    QOpcUa::UncertainReferenceNotDeleted 0x40BC0000
    QOpcUa::BadServerIndexInvalid 0x806A0000
    QOpcUa::BadViewIdUnknown 0x806B0000
    QOpcUa::BadViewTimestampInvalid 0x80C90000
    QOpcUa::BadViewParameterMismatch 0x80CA0000
    QOpcUa::BadViewVersionInvalid 0x80CB0000
    QOpcUa::UncertainNotAllNodesAvailable 0x40C00000
    QOpcUa::GoodResultsMayBeIncomplete 0x00BA0000
    QOpcUa::BadNotTypeDefinition 0x80C80000
    QOpcUa::UncertainReferenceOutOfServer 0x406C0000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManyMatches 0x806D0000
    QOpcUa::BadQueryTooComplex 0x806E0000
    QOpcUa::BadNoMatch 0x806F0000
    QOpcUa::BadMaxAgeInvalid 0x80700000
    QOpcUa::BadSecurityModeInsufficient 0x80E60000
    QOpcUa::BadHistoryOperationInvalid 0x80710000
    QOpcUa::BadHistoryOperationUnsupported 0x80720000
    QOpcUa::BadInvalidTimestampArgument 0x80BD0000
    QOpcUa::BadWriteNotSupported 0x80730000
    QOpcUa::BadTypeMismatch 0x80740000
    QOpcUa::BadMethodInvalid 0x80750000
    QOpcUa::BadArgumentsMissing 0x80760000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManySubscriptions 0x80770000
    QOpcUa::BadTooManyPublishRequests 0x80780000
    QOpcUa::BadNoSubscription 0x80790000
    QOpcUa::BadSequenceNumberUnknown 0x807A0000
    QOpcUa::BadMessageNotAvailable 0x807B0000
    QOpcUa::BadInsufficientClientProfile 0x807C0000
    QOpcUa::BadStateNotActive 0x80BF0000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpServerTooBusy 0x807D0000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpMessageTypeInvalid 0x807E0000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpSecureChannelUnknown 0x807F0000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpMessageTooLarge 0x80800000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpNotEnoughResources 0x80810000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpInternalError 0x80820000
    QOpcUa::BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid 0x80830000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestInterrupted 0x80840000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestTimeout 0x80850000
    QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelClosed 0x80860000
    QOpcUa::BadSecureChannelTokenUnknown 0x80870000
    QOpcUa::BadSequenceNumberInvalid 0x80880000
    QOpcUa::BadProtocolVersionUnsupported 0x80BE0000
    QOpcUa::BadConfigurationError 0x80890000
    QOpcUa::BadNotConnected 0x808A0000
    QOpcUa::BadDeviceFailure 0x808B0000
    QOpcUa::BadSensorFailure 0x808C0000
    QOpcUa::BadOutOfService 0x808D0000
    QOpcUa::BadDeadbandFilterInvalid 0x808E0000
    QOpcUa::UncertainNoCommunicationLastUsableValue 0x408F0000
    QOpcUa::UncertainLastUsableValue 0x40900000
    QOpcUa::UncertainSubstituteValue 0x40910000
    QOpcUa::UncertainInitialValue 0x40920000
    QOpcUa::UncertainSensorNotAccurate 0x40930000
    QOpcUa::UncertainEngineeringUnitsExceeded 0x40940000
    QOpcUa::UncertainSubNormal 0x40950000
    QOpcUa::GoodLocalOverride 0x00960000
    QOpcUa::BadRefreshInProgress 0x80970000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyDisabled 0x80980000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyEnabled 0x80CC0000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionDisabled 0x80990000
    QOpcUa::BadEventIdUnknown 0x809A0000
    QOpcUa::BadEventNotAcknowledgeable 0x80BB0000
    QOpcUa::BadDialogNotActive 0x80CD0000
    QOpcUa::BadDialogResponseInvalid 0x80CE0000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionBranchAlreadyAcked 0x80CF0000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionBranchAlreadyConfirmed 0x80D00000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionAlreadyShelved 0x80D10000
    QOpcUa::BadConditionNotShelved 0x80D20000
    QOpcUa::BadShelvingTimeOutOfRange 0x80D30000
    QOpcUa::BadNoData 0x809B0000
    QOpcUa::BadBoundNotFound 0x80D70000
    QOpcUa::BadBoundNotSupported 0x80D80000
    QOpcUa::BadDataLost 0x809D0000
    QOpcUa::BadDataUnavailable 0x809E0000
    QOpcUa::BadEntryExists 0x809F0000
    QOpcUa::BadNoEntryExists 0x80A00000
    QOpcUa::BadTimestampNotSupported 0x80A10000
    QOpcUa::GoodEntryInserted 0x00A20000
    QOpcUa::GoodEntryReplaced 0x00A30000
    QOpcUa::UncertainDataSubNormal 0x40A40000
    QOpcUa::GoodNoData 0x00A50000
    QOpcUa::GoodMoreData 0x00A60000
    QOpcUa::BadAggregateListMismatch 0x80D40000
    QOpcUa::BadAggregateNotSupported 0x80D50000
    QOpcUa::BadAggregateInvalidInputs 0x80D60000
    QOpcUa::BadAggregateConfigurationRejected 0x80DA0000
    QOpcUa::GoodDataIgnored 0x00D90000
    QOpcUa::BadRequestNotAllowed 0x80E40000
    QOpcUa::GoodEdited 0x00DC0000
    QOpcUa::GoodPostActionFailed 0x00DD0000
    QOpcUa::UncertainDominantValueChanged 0x40DE0000
    QOpcUa::GoodDependentValueChanged 0x00E00000
    QOpcUa::BadDominantValueChanged 0x80E10000
    QOpcUa::UncertainDependentValueChanged 0x40E20000
    QOpcUa::BadDependentValueChanged 0x80E30000
    QOpcUa::GoodCommunicationEvent 0x00A70000
    QOpcUa::GoodShutdownEvent 0x00A80000
    QOpcUa::GoodCallAgain 0x00A90000
    QOpcUa::GoodNonCriticalTimeout 0x00AA0000
    QOpcUa::BadInvalidArgument 0x80AB0000
    QOpcUa::BadConnectionRejected 0x80AC0000
    QOpcUa::BadDisconnect 0x80AD0000
    QOpcUa::BadConnectionClosed 0x80AE0000
    QOpcUa::BadInvalidState 0x80AF0000
    QOpcUa::BadEndOfStream 0x80B00000
    QOpcUa::BadNoDataAvailable 0x80B10000
    QOpcUa::BadWaitingForResponse 0x80B20000
    QOpcUa::BadOperationAbandoned 0x80B30000
    QOpcUa::BadExpectedStreamToBlock 0x80B40000
    QOpcUa::BadWouldBlock 0x80B50000
    QOpcUa::BadSyntaxError 0x80B60000
    QOpcUa::BadMaxConnectionsReached 0x80B70000

    enum class QOpcUa:: WriteMaskBit
    flags QOpcUa:: WriteMask

    This enum contains all possible bits for the WriteMask and UserWriteMask node attributes defined in OPC-UA part 3, Tabe 3.

    常量 描述
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::None 0 No attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::AccessLevel (1 << 0) The AccessLevel attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::ArrayDimensions (1 << 1) The ArrayDimensions attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::BrowseName (1 << 2) The BrowseName attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::ContainsNoLoops (1 << 3) The ContainsNoLoops attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::DataType (1 << 4) The DataType attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::Description (1 << 5) The Description attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::DisplayName (1 << 6) The DisplayName attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::EventNotifier (1 << 7) The EventNotifier attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::Executable (1 << 8) The Executable attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::Historizing (1 << 9) The Historizing attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::InverseName (1 << 10) The InverseName attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::IsAbstract (1 << 11) The IsAbstract attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::MinimumSamplingInterval (1 << 12) The MinimumSamplingInterval attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::NodeClass (1 << 13) The NodeClass attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::NodeId (1 << 14) The NodeId attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::Symmetric (1 << 15) The Symmetric attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::UserAccessLevel (1 << 16) The UserAccessLevel attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::UserExecutable (1 << 17) The UserExecutable attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::UserWriteMask (1 << 18) The UserWriteMask attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::ValueRank (1 << 19) The ValueRank attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::WriteMask (1 << 20) The WriteMask attribute is writable.
    QOpcUa::WriteMaskBit::ValueForVariableType (1 << 21) The Value attribute of a variable type is writable.

    The WriteMask type is a typedef for QFlags <WriteMaskBit>. It stores an OR combination of WriteMaskBit values.


    QOpcUa::ErrorCategory QOpcUa:: errorCategory ( QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )

    转换 statusCode to an ErrorCategory . ErrorCategory can be used in cases where the exact error is not important.

    For error handling dependent on status codes, the full status code must be used instead. The meaning of the status codes for the different services is documented in OPC-UA part 4.

    statusCode has not been categorized, UnspecifiedError is returned. In this case, the user must check the full status code.

    bool QOpcUa:: isSecurePolicy (const QString & securityPolicy )

    返回 true if a security policy is a secure policy.

    This function was introduced in QtOpcUa 5.14.

    bool QOpcUa:: isSuccessStatus ( QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )

    This method can be used to check if a call has successfully finished.

    返回 true if statusCode 's serverity field is Good.

    QOpcUa::Types QOpcUa:: metaTypeToQOpcUaType ( QMetaType::Type type )

    Returns the Qt OPC UA type from type . In case the type does not map, QOpcUa::Undefined 被返回。

    该函数在 Qt 5.13 引入。

    QString QOpcUa:: namespace0Id ( QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 id )

    Returns a node id string for the namespace 0 identifier id .

    QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 QOpcUa:: namespace0IdFromNodeId (const QString & nodeId )

    Returns the enum value from QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 for nodeId .

    If the node id is not in namespace 0 or doesn't have a numeric identifier which is part of the OPC Foundation's NodeIds .csv file, 未知 被返回。

    If Qt OPC UA has been configured with -no-feature-ns0idnames, the check if the numeric identifier is part of the NodeIds .csv file is omitted. If the node id is in namespace 0 and has a numeric identifier, the identifier is returned regardless if it is part of the QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 枚举。

    QString QOpcUa:: namespace0IdName ( QOpcUa::NodeIds::Namespace0 id )

    Returns the name of the namespace 0 node id id .

    id is unknown or Qt OPC UA has been configured with -no-feature-ns0idnames, an empty string is returned.

    bool QOpcUa:: nodeIdEquals (const QString & first , const QString & second )

    返回 true if the two node ids first and second have the same namespace index and identifier. A node id string without a namespace index is assumed to be in namespace 0.

    QString QOpcUa:: nodeIdFromByteString ( quint16 ns , const QByteArray & 标识符 )

    Creates a node id string from the namespace index ns and the byte string 标识符 .

    另请参阅 QOpcUaNode .

    QString QOpcUa:: nodeIdFromGuid ( quint16 ns , const QUuid & 标识符 )

    Creates a node id string from the namespace index ns and the GUID 标识符 .

    另请参阅 QOpcUaNode .

    QString QOpcUa:: nodeIdFromInteger ( quint16 ns , quint32 标识符 )

    Creates a node id string from the namespace index ns and the integer 标识符 .

    另请参阅 QOpcUaNode .

    QString QOpcUa:: nodeIdFromReferenceType ( QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId referenceType )

    Creates a node id string for the reference type id referenceType .

    QString QOpcUa:: nodeIdFromString ( quint16 ns , const QString & 标识符 )

    Creates a node id string from the namespace index ns and the string 标识符 .

    另请参阅 QOpcUaNode .

    bool QOpcUa:: nodeIdStringSplit (const QString & nodeIdString , quint16 * nsIndex , QString * 标识符 , char * identifierType )

    Splits the node id string nodeIdString in its components. The namespace index of the node id will be copied into nsIndex . The identifier string is copied into 标识符 and the identifier type (i, s, g, b) is copied into identifierType .

    返回 true if the node id could be split successfully.

    For example, "ns=1;s=MyString" is split into 1, 's' and "MyString". If no namespace index is given, ns=0 is assumed.

    uint QOpcUa:: qHash (const QOpcUa::NodeAttribute & attr )

    返回 QHash key for attr .

    QString QOpcUa:: statusToString ( QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode )

    Returns a textual representation of statusCode .

    Currently, this is the name of the enum value but may be a real message in future releases.