QQmlListProperty Class

template <typename T> class QQmlListProperty

The QQmlListProperty class allows applications to expose list-like properties of QObject -derived classes to QML. 更多...

头: #include <QQmlListProperty>
qmake: QT += qml
Since: Qt 5.0

该类在 Qt 5.0 引入。


(alias) AppendFunction
(alias) AtFunction
(alias) ClearFunction
(alias) CountFunction
(alias) RemoveLastFunction
(alias) ReplaceFunction


QQmlListProperty (QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at )
QQmlListProperty (QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::AppendFunction append , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at , QQmlListProperty::ClearFunction clear , QQmlListProperty::ReplaceFunction replace , QQmlListProperty::RemoveLastFunction removeLast )
QQmlListProperty (QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::AppendFunction append , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at , QQmlListProperty::ClearFunction clear )
QQmlListProperty (QObject * object , QList<T *> * list )
bool operator== (const QQmlListProperty<T> & other ) const


QML has many list properties, where more than one object value can be assigned. The use of a list property from QML looks like this:

FruitBasket {
    fruit: [
        Apple {},

The QQmlListProperty encapsulates a group of function pointers that represent the set of actions QML can perform on the list - adding items, retrieving items and clearing the list. In the future, additional operations may be supported. All list properties must implement the append operation, but the rest are optional.

To provide a list property, a C++ class must implement the operation callbacks, and then return an appropriate QQmlListProperty value from the property getter. List properties should have no setter. In the example above, the Q_PROPERTY () declarative will look like this:

Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Fruit> fruit READ fruit)

QML list properties are type-safe - in this case Fruit QObject type that Apple , Orange and Banana all derive from.

另请参阅 扩展 QML - 对象和列表特性类型范例 .


[alias] QQmlListProperty:: AppendFunction

This is a type alias for void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *, T *).

同义词 void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property, T *value) .

Append the value to the list property .

[alias] QQmlListProperty:: AtFunction

This is a type alias for T *(*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *, int).

同义词 T *(*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property, int index) .

Return the element at position index in the list property .

[alias] QQmlListProperty:: ClearFunction

This is a type alias for void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *).

同义词 void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property) .

Clear the list property .

[alias] QQmlListProperty:: CountFunction

This is a type alias for int (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *).

同义词 int (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property) .

Return the number of elements in the list property .

[alias] QQmlListProperty:: RemoveLastFunction

This is a type alias for void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *).

同义词 void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property) .

Remove the last element from the list property .

[alias] QQmlListProperty:: ReplaceFunction

This is a type alias for void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *, int, T *).

同义词 void (*)(QQmlListProperty<T> *property, int index, T *value) .

Replace the element at position index in the list property with value .


QQmlListProperty:: QQmlListProperty ( QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at )

Construct a readonly QQmlListProperty from a set of operation functions count and at . An opaque data handle may be passed which can be accessed from within the operation functions. The list property remains valid while object exists.

QQmlListProperty:: QQmlListProperty ( QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::AppendFunction append , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at , QQmlListProperty::ClearFunction clear , QQmlListProperty::ReplaceFunction replace , QQmlListProperty::RemoveLastFunction removeLast )

Construct a QQmlListProperty from a set of operation functions append , count , at , clear , replace , and removeLast. An opaque data handle may be passed which can be accessed from within the operation functions. The list property remains valid while object exists.

Null pointers can be passed for any function, causing the respective function to be synthesized using the others, if possible. QQmlListProperty can synthesize

  • clear 使用 count and removeLast
  • replace 使用 count , at , clear ,和 append
  • replace 使用 count , at , removeLast ,和 append
  • removeLast 使用 count , at , clear ,和 append

if those are given. This is slow, but if your list does not natively provide faster options for these primitives, you may want to use the synthesized ones.

Furthermore, if either of count , at , append ,和 clear are neither given explicitly nor synthesized, the list will be neither designable nor alterable by the debugger. It is recommended to provide enough valid pointers to avoid this situation.

QQmlListProperty:: QQmlListProperty ( QObject * object , void * data , QQmlListProperty::AppendFunction append , QQmlListProperty::CountFunction count , QQmlListProperty::AtFunction at , QQmlListProperty::ClearFunction clear )

Construct a QQmlListProperty from a set of operation functions append , count , at ,和 clear . An opaque data handle may be passed which can be accessed from within the operation functions. The list property remains valid while object exists.

Null pointers can be passed for any function. If any null pointers are passed in, the list will be neither designable nor alterable by the debugger. It is recommended to provide valid pointers for all functions.

注意: The resulting QQmlListProperty will synthesize the removeLast() and replace() methods using count , at , clear ,和 append if all of those are given. This is slow. If you intend to manipulate the list beyond clearing it, you should explicitly provide these methods.

QQmlListProperty:: QQmlListProperty ( QObject * object , QList < T *> * list )

Convenience constructor for making a QQmlListProperty value from an existing QList list list reference must remain valid for as long as object exists. object must be provided.

该函数在 Qt 5.15 引入。

bool QQmlListProperty:: operator== (const QQmlListProperty < T > & other ) const

返回 true,若此 QQmlListProperty 等于 other ,否则 false。