QSensorPluginInterface Class

The QSensorPluginInterface class is the pure virtual interface to sensor plugins. 更多...

头: #include <QSensorPluginInterface>
qmake: QT += sensors
Since: Qt 5.1

该类在 Qt 5.1 引入。


virtual void registerSensors () = 0


The QSensorPluginInterface class is implemented in sensor plugins to register sensor backends with QSensorManager .

另请参阅 Creating a sensor plugin .


[pure virtual] void QSensorPluginInterface:: registerSensors ()

This function is called when the plugin is loaded. The plugin should register sensor backends by calling QSensorManager::registerBackend (). Any backends that utilise other sensors should be registered in the QSensorPluginInterface::sensorsChanged() method instead.

另请参阅 Creating a sensor plugin .