QStyleOptionComboBox 类

QStyleOptionComboBox 类是用于绘制组合框的描述参数。 更多...

头: #include <QStyleOptionComboBox>
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QStyleOptionComplex


enum StyleOptionType { Type }
enum StyleOptionVersion { Version }


QStyleOptionComboBox (const QStyleOptionComboBox & other )
QStyleOptionComboBox ()


QIcon currentIcon
QString currentText
bool editable
bool frame
QSize iconSize
QRect popupRect


QStyleOptionButton contains all the information that QStyle 函数需要绘制 QComboBox .

For performance reasons, the access to the member variables is direct (i.e., using the . or -> operator). This low-level feel makes the structures straightforward to use and emphasizes that these are simply parameters used by the style functions.

对于可以如何使用样式选项的演示范例,见 样式 范例。

另请参阅 QStyleOption , QStyleOptionComplex ,和 QComboBox .


enum QStyleOptionComboBox:: StyleOptionType

This enum is used to hold information about the type of the style option, and is defined for each QStyleOption 子类。

常量 描述
QStyleOptionComboBox::Type SO_ComboBox 提供样式选项的类型 ( SO_ComboBox 对于此类)。

类型内部使用通过 QStyleOption ,其子类,和 qstyleoption_cast () to determine the type of style option. In general you do not need to worry about this unless you want to create your own QStyleOption subclass and your own styles.

另请参阅 StyleOptionVersion .

enum QStyleOptionComboBox:: StyleOptionVersion

This enum is used to hold information about the version of the style option, and is defined for each QStyleOption 子类。

常量 描述
QStyleOptionComboBox::Version 1 1

版本的使用通过 QStyleOption 子类以实现扩展在不破坏兼容性的情况下。若使用 qstyleoption_cast (), you normally do not need to check it.

另请参阅 StyleOptionType .


QStyleOptionComboBox:: QStyleOptionComboBox (const QStyleOptionComboBox & other )

构造副本为 other 样式选项。

QStyleOptionComboBox:: QStyleOptionComboBox ()

Creates a QStyleOptionComboBox, initializing the members variables to their default values.


QIcon QStyleOptionComboBox:: currentIcon

This variable holds the icon for the current item of the combo box

The default value is an empty icon, i.e. an icon with neither a pixmap nor a filename.

QString QStyleOptionComboBox:: currentText

This variable holds the text for the current item of the combo box


bool QStyleOptionComboBox:: editable

This variable holds whether or not the combobox is editable or not

the default value is false

另请参阅 QComboBox::isEditable ().

bool QStyleOptionComboBox:: frame

This variable holds whether the combo box has a frame

默认值为 true。

QSize QStyleOptionComboBox:: iconSize

This variable holds the icon size for the current item of the combo box

默认值为 QSize (-1, -1),即:无效尺寸。

QRect QStyleOptionComboBox:: popupRect

This variable holds the popup rectangle for the combobox

The default value is a null rectangle, i.e. a rectangle with both the width and the height set to 0.

This variable is currently unused. You can safely ignore it.

另请参阅 QStyle::SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup .