QTextToSpeech 类

QTextToSpeech 类为访问 TTS (文本转语音) 引擎提供方便。 更多...

头: #include <QTextToSpeech>
qmake: QT += texttospeech
继承: QObject


enum State { Ready, Speaking, Paused, BackendError }



QTextToSpeech (const QString & engine , QObject * parent = nullptr)
QTextToSpeech (QObject * parent = nullptr)
QVector<QLocale> availableLocales () const
QVector<QVoice> availableVoices () const
QLocale locale () const
double pitch () const
double rate () const
QTextToSpeech::State state () const
QVoice voice () const
double volume () const


void pause ()
void resume ()
void say (const QString & text )
void setLocale (const QLocale & locale )
void setPitch (double pitch )
void setRate (double rate )
void setVoice (const QVoice & voice )
void setVolume (double volume )
void stop ()


void localeChanged (const QLocale & locale )
void pitchChanged (double pitch )
void rateChanged (double rate )
void stateChanged (QTextToSpeech::State state )
void voiceChanged (const QVoice & voice )
void volumeChanged (double volume )
void volumeChanged (int volume )


QStringList availableEngines ()


使用 say () to start synthesizing text. It is possible to specify the language with setLocale (). To select between the available voices use setVoice (). The languages and voices depend on the available synthesizers on each platform. On Linux, speech-dispatcher 被使用默认情况下。


enum QTextToSpeech:: State

常量 描述
QTextToSpeech::Ready 0 The synthesizer is ready to start a new text. This is also the state after a text was finished.
QTextToSpeech::Speaking 1 The current text is being spoken.
QTextToSpeech::Paused 2 The synthesis was paused and can be resumed with resume ().
QTextToSpeech::BackendError 3 The backend was unable to synthesize the current string.


locale : QLocale

This property holds the current locale in use. By default, the system locale is used.


QLocale locale () const
void setLocale (const QLocale & locale )


void localeChanged (const QLocale & locale )

pitch : double

This property holds the voice pitch, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0. The default of 0.0 is the normal speech pitch.


double pitch () const
void setPitch (double pitch )


void pitchChanged (double pitch )

rate : double

This property holds the current voice rate, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0. The default value of 0.0 is normal speech flow.


double rate () const
void setRate (double rate )


void rateChanged (double rate )

state : const State

This property holds the current state of the speech synthesizer. Use say () to start synthesizing text with the current voice and locale.


QTextToSpeech::State state () const


void stateChanged (QTextToSpeech::State state )

voice : QVoice

This property holds the current voice used for the speech.


QVoice voice () const
void setVoice (const QVoice & voice )


void voiceChanged (const QVoice & voice )

volume : double

This property holds the current volume, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. The default value is the platform's default volume.


double volume () const
void setVolume (double volume )


void volumeChanged (int volume )
void volumeChanged (double volume )


QTextToSpeech:: QTextToSpeech (const QString & engine , QObject * parent = nullptr)

Loads a text-to-speech engine from a plug-in that matches parameter engine and constructs a QTextToSpeech object as the child of parent .

engine is empty, the default engine plug-in is used. The default engine may be platform-specific.

若插件加载失败, QTextToSpeech::state () 返回 QTextToSpeech::BackendError .

另请参阅 availableEngines ().

QTextToSpeech:: QTextToSpeech ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Loads a text-to-speech engine from a plug-in that uses the default engine plug-in and constructs a QTextToSpeech object as the child of parent .

The default engine may be platform-specific.

若插件加载失败, QTextToSpeech::state () 返回 QTextToSpeech::BackendError .

另请参阅 availableEngines ().

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: pause ()



  • This function depends on the platform and the backend. It may not work at all, it may take several seconds before it takes effect, or it may pause instantly. Some synthesizers will look for a break that they can later resume from, such as a sentence end.
  • Due to Android platform limitations, pause() stops what is presently being said, while resume () starts the previously queued sentence from the beginning.

另请参阅 resume ().

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: resume ()

Resume speaking after pause () has been called.

另请参阅 pause ().

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: say (const QString & text )

Start synthesizing the text . This function will start the asynchronous reading of the text. The current state is available using the state property. Once the synthesis is done, a stateChanged () 信号采用 Ready state is emitted.

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: setLocale (const QLocale & locale )

设置 locale to a given locale if possible. The default is the system locale.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 locale .

另请参阅 locale ().

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: setVoice (const QVoice & voice )

设置 voice to use.

注意: On some platforms, setting the voice changes other voice attributes such as locale, pitch, and so on. These changes trigger the emission of signals.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 voice .

另请参阅 voice ().

[slot] void QTextToSpeech:: stop ()

Stop the text that is being read.

[static] QStringList QTextToSpeech:: availableEngines ()

Gets the list of supported text-to-speech engine plug-ins.

QVector < QLocale > QTextToSpeech:: availableLocales () const

Gets a vector of locales that are currently supported.

注意: On some platforms these can change, for example, when the backend changes synthesizers.

QVector < QVoice > QTextToSpeech:: availableVoices () const

Gets a vector of voices available for the current locale.

注意: if no locale has been set, the system locale is used.