QVector3D 类

QVector3D 类表示 3D 空间中的向量或顶点。 更多...

头: #include <QVector3D>
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 4.6

该类在 Qt 4.6 引入。


QVector3D (const QVector4D & vector )
QVector3D (const QVector2D & vector , float zpos )
QVector3D (const QVector2D & vector )
QVector3D (const QPointF & point )
QVector3D (const QPoint & point )
QVector3D (float xpos , float ypos , float zpos )
QVector3D ()
float distanceToLine (const QVector3D & point , const QVector3D & direction ) const
float distanceToPlane (const QVector3D & plane , const QVector3D & normal ) const
float distanceToPlane (const QVector3D & plane1 , const QVector3D & plane2 , const QVector3D & plane3 ) const
float distanceToPoint (const QVector3D & point ) const
bool isNull () const
float length () const
float lengthSquared () const
void normalize ()
QVector3D normalized () const
QVector3D project (const QMatrix4x4 & modelView , const QMatrix4x4 & projection , const QRect & viewport ) const
void setX (float x )
void setY (float y )
void setZ (float z )
QPoint toPoint () const
QPointF toPointF () const
QVector2D toVector2D () const
QVector4D toVector4D () const
QVector3D unproject (const QMatrix4x4 & modelView , const QMatrix4x4 & projection , const QRect & viewport ) const
float x () const
float y () const
float z () const
QVariant operator QVariant () const
QVector3D & operator*= (float factor )
QVector3D & operator*= (const QVector3D & vector )
QVector3D & operator+= (const QVector3D & vector )
QVector3D & operator-= (const QVector3D & vector )
QVector3D & operator/= (float divisor )
QVector3D & operator/= (const QVector3D & vector )
float & operator[] (int i )
float operator[] (int i ) const


QVector3D crossProduct (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
float dotProduct (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
QVector3D normal (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
QVector3D normal (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 , const QVector3D & v3 )
bool qFuzzyCompare (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
bool operator!= (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
const QVector3D operator* (float factor , const QVector3D & vector )
const QVector3D operator* (const QVector3D & vector , float factor )
const QVector3D operator* (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
const QVector3D operator+ (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
const QVector3D operator- (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
const QVector3D operator- (const QVector3D & vector )
const QVector3D operator/ (const QVector3D & vector , float divisor )
const QVector3D operator/ (const QVector3D & vector , const QVector3D & divisor )
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream , const QVector3D & vector )
bool operator== (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream , QVector3D & vector )


Vectors are one of the main building blocks of 3D representation and drawing. They consist of three coordinates, traditionally called x, y, and z.

The QVector3D class can also be used to represent vertices in 3D space. We therefore do not need to provide a separate vertex class.

另请参阅 QVector2D , QVector4D ,和 QQuaternion .


QVector3D:: QVector3D (const QVector4D & vector )

构造 3D 向量从指定 4D vector . The w coordinate is dropped.

另请参阅 toVector4D ().

QVector3D:: QVector3D (const QVector2D & vector , float zpos )

构造 3D 向量从指定 2D vector 。z 坐标被设为 zpos .

另请参阅 toVector2D ().

QVector3D:: QVector3D (const QVector2D & vector )

构造 3D 向量从指定 2D vector 。z 坐标被设为 0。

另请参阅 toVector2D ().

QVector3D:: QVector3D (const QPointF & point )

Constructs a vector with x and y coordinates from a 2D point , and a z coordinate of 0.

QVector3D:: QVector3D (const QPoint & point )

Constructs a vector with x and y coordinates from a 2D point , and a z coordinate of 0.

QVector3D:: QVector3D ( float xpos , float ypos , float zpos )

构造向量采用坐标 ( xpos , ypos , zpos ).

QVector3D:: QVector3D ()

构造 null 向量,即:采用坐标 (0, 0, 0)。

[static] QVector3D QVector3D:: crossProduct (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

Returns the cross-product of vectors v1 and v2 , which corresponds to the normal vector of a plane defined by v1 and v2 .

另请参阅 normal ().

float QVector3D:: distanceToLine (const QVector3D & point , const QVector3D & direction ) const

Returns the distance that this vertex is from a line defined by point and the unit vector direction .

direction is a null vector, then it does not define a line. In that case, the distance from point to this vertex is returned.

另请参阅 distanceToPlane ().

float QVector3D:: distanceToPlane (const QVector3D & plane , const QVector3D & normal ) const

Returns the distance from this vertex to a plane defined by the vertex plane normal unit vector. The normal parameter is assumed to have been normalized to a unit vector.

The return value will be negative if the vertex is below the plane, or zero if it is on the plane.

另请参阅 normal () 和 distanceToLine ().

float QVector3D:: distanceToPlane (const QVector3D & plane1 , const QVector3D & plane2 , const QVector3D & plane3 ) const


Returns the distance from this vertex to a plane defined by the vertices plane1 , plane2 and plane3 .

The return value will be negative if the vertex is below the plane, or zero if it is on the plane.

The two vectors that define the plane are plane2 - plane1 and plane3 - plane1 .

另请参阅 normal () 和 distanceToLine ().

float QVector3D:: distanceToPoint (const QVector3D & point ) const

Returns the distance from this vertex to a point defined by the vertex point .

该函数在 Qt 5.1 引入。

另请参阅 distanceToPlane () 和 distanceToLine ().

[static] float QVector3D:: dotProduct (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回点积为 v1 and v2 .

bool QVector3D:: isNull () const

返回 true 若 x、y 和 z 坐标被设为 0.0,否则返回 false .

float QVector3D:: length () const


另请参阅 lengthSquared () 和 normalized ().

float QVector3D:: lengthSquared () const

Returns the squared length of the vector from the origin. This is equivalent to the dot product of the vector with itself.

另请参阅 length () 和 dotProduct ().

[static] QVector3D QVector3D:: normal (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

Returns the normal vector of a plane defined by vectors v1 and v2 , normalized to be a unit vector.

使用 crossProduct () to compute the cross-product of v1 and v2 if you do not need the result to be normalized to a unit vector.

另请参阅 crossProduct () 和 distanceToPlane ().

[static] QVector3D QVector3D:: normal (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 , const QVector3D & v3 )


Returns the normal vector of a plane defined by vectors v2 - v1 and v3 - v1 , normalized to be a unit vector.

使用 crossProduct () to compute the cross-product of v2 - v1 and v3 - v1 if you do not need the result to be normalized to a unit vector.

另请参阅 crossProduct () 和 distanceToPlane ().

void QVector3D:: normalize ()

Normalizes the currect vector in place. Nothing happens if this vector is a null vector or the length of the vector is very close to 1.

另请参阅 length () 和 normalized ().

QVector3D QVector3D:: normalized () const

Returns the normalized unit vector form of this vector.

If this vector is null, then a null vector is returned. If the length of the vector is very close to 1, then the vector will be returned as-is. Otherwise the normalized form of the vector of length 1 will be returned.

另请参阅 length () 和 normalize ().

QVector3D QVector3D:: project (const QMatrix4x4 & modelView , const QMatrix4x4 & projection , const QRect & viewport ) const

Returns the window coordinates of this vector initially in object/model coordinates using the model view matrix modelView , the projection matrix projection and the viewport dimensions viewport .

When transforming from clip to normalized space, a division by the w component on the vector components takes place. To prevent dividing by 0 if w equals to 0, it is set to 1.

注意: the returned y coordinates are in OpenGL orientation. OpenGL expects the bottom to be 0 whereas for Qt top is 0.

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

另请参阅 unproject ().

void QVector3D:: setX ( float x )

将此点的 x 坐标设为给定 x 坐标。

另请参阅 x (), setY (),和 setZ ().

void QVector3D:: setY ( float y )

将此点的 y 坐标设为给定 y 坐标。

另请参阅 y (), setX (),和 setZ ().

void QVector3D:: setZ ( float z )

Sets the z coordinate of this point to the given z 坐标。

另请参阅 z (), setX (),和 setY ().

QPoint QVector3D:: toPoint () const

返回 QPoint form of this 3D vector. The z coordinate is dropped.

另请参阅 toPointF () 和 toVector2D ().

QPointF QVector3D:: toPointF () const

返回 QPointF form of this 3D vector. The z coordinate is dropped.

另请参阅 toPoint () 和 toVector2D ().

QVector2D QVector3D:: toVector2D () const

Returns the 2D vector form of this 3D vector, dropping the z coordinate.

另请参阅 toVector4D () 和 toPoint ().

QVector4D QVector3D:: toVector4D () const

Returns the 4D form of this 3D vector, with the w coordinate set to zero.

另请参阅 toVector2D () 和 toPoint ().

QVector3D QVector3D:: unproject (const QMatrix4x4 & modelView , const QMatrix4x4 & projection , const QRect & viewport ) const

Returns the object/model coordinates of this vector initially in window coordinates using the model view matrix modelView , the projection matrix projection and the viewport dimensions viewport .

When transforming from clip to normalized space, a division by the w component of the vector components takes place. To prevent dividing by 0 if w equals to 0, it is set to 1.

注意: y coordinates in viewport should use OpenGL orientation. OpenGL expects the bottom to be 0 whereas for Qt top is 0.

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

另请参阅 project ().

float QVector3D:: x () const

返回此点的 x 坐标。

另请参阅 setX (), y (),和 z ().

float QVector3D:: y () const

返回此点的 y 坐标。

另请参阅 setY (), x (),和 z ().

float QVector3D:: z () const

返回此点的 z 坐标。

另请参阅 setZ (), x (),和 y ().

QVariant QVector3D:: operator QVariant () const

Returns the 3D vector as a QVariant .

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator*= ( float factor )

Multiplies this vector's coordinates by the given factor , and returns a reference to this vector.

另请参阅 operator/= ().

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator*= (const QVector3D & vector )


Multiplies the components of this vector by the corresponding components in vector .

Note: this is not the same as the crossProduct () of this vector and vector .

另请参阅 crossProduct ().

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator+= (const QVector3D & vector )

添加给定 vector to this vector and returns a reference to this vector.

另请参阅 operator-= ().

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator-= (const QVector3D & vector )

减去给定 vector from this vector and returns a reference to this vector.

另请参阅 operator+= ().

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator/= ( float divisor )

Divides this vector's coordinates by the given divisor , and returns a reference to this vector.

另请参阅 operator*= ().

QVector3D &QVector3D:: operator/= (const QVector3D & vector )

Divides the components of this vector by the corresponding components in vector .

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

另请参阅 operator*= ().

float &QVector3D:: operator[] ( int i )

Returns the component of the vector at index position i as a modifiable reference.

i must be a valid index position in the vector (i.e., 0 <= i < 3).

该函数在 Qt 5.2 引入。

float QVector3D:: operator[] ( int i ) const

Returns the component of the vector at index position i .

i must be a valid index position in the vector (i.e., 0 <= i < 3).

该函数在 Qt 5.2 引入。


bool qFuzzyCompare (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回 true if v1 and v2 are equal, allowing for a small fuzziness factor for floating-point comparisons; false otherwise.

bool operator!= (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回 true if v1 不等于 v2 ;否则返回 false 。此运算符使用精确浮点比较。

const QVector3D operator* ( float factor , const QVector3D & vector )

返回副本为给定 vector , multiplied by the given factor .

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator*= ().

const QVector3D operator* (const QVector3D & vector , float factor )

返回副本为给定 vector , multiplied by the given factor .

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator*= ().

const QVector3D operator* (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

Multiplies the components of v1 by the corresponding components in v2 .

Note: this is not the same as the crossProduct () of v1 and v2 .

另请参阅 QVector3D::crossProduct ().

const QVector3D operator+ (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回 QVector3D object that is the sum of the given vectors, v1 and v2 ;分别相加各分量。

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator+= ().

const QVector3D operator- (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回 QVector3D 对象的形成是通过减去 v2 from v1 ;分别减去各分量。

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator-= ().

const QVector3D operator- (const QVector3D & vector )


返回 QVector3D object that is formed by changing the sign of all three components of the given vector .

相当于 QVector3D(0,0,0) - vector .

const QVector3D operator/ (const QVector3D & vector , float divisor )

返回 QVector3D object formed by dividing all three components of the given vector 通过给定 divisor .

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator/= ().

const QVector3D operator/ (const QVector3D & vector , const QVector3D & divisor )

返回 QVector3D object formed by dividing components of the given vector by a respective components of the given divisor .

该函数在 Qt 5.5 引入。

另请参阅 QVector3D::operator/= ().

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream , const QVector3D & vector )

写入给定 vector 到给定 stream 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .

bool operator== (const QVector3D & v1 , const QVector3D & v2 )

返回 true if v1 等于 v2 ;否则返回 false 。此运算符使用精确浮点比较。

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream , QVector3D & vector )

读取 3D 向量从给定 stream 进给定 vector 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .