QVideoEncoderSettingsControl Class

The QVideoEncoderSettingsControl class provides access to the settings of a media service that performs video encoding. 更多...

头: #include <QVideoEncoderSettingsControl>
qmake: QT += multimedia
继承: QMediaControl

该类已过时。 提供它是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它。


virtual ~QVideoEncoderSettingsControl ()
virtual void setVideoSettings (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings ) = 0
virtual QList<qreal> supportedFrameRates (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings , bool * continuous = nullptr) const = 0
virtual QList<QSize> supportedResolutions (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings , bool * continuous = nullptr) const = 0
virtual QStringList supportedVideoCodecs () const = 0
virtual QString videoCodecDescription (const QString & codec ) const = 0
virtual QVideoEncoderSettings videoSettings () const = 0


QVideoEncoderSettingsControl (QObject * parent = nullptr)



QMediaService supports encoding video data it will implement QVideoEncoderSettingsControl. This control provides information about the limits of restricted video encoder options and allows the selection of a set of video encoder settings as specified in a QVideoEncoderSettings 对象。

The functionality provided by this control is exposed to application code through the QMediaRecorder 类。

The interface name of QVideoEncoderSettingsControl is org.qt-project.qt.videoencodersettingscontrol/5.0 作为定义在 QVideoEncoderSettingsControl_iid .

另请参阅 QMediaRecorder , QVideoEncoderSettings ,和 QMediaService::requestControl ().


[protected] QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: QVideoEncoderSettingsControl ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Create a new video encoder settings control object with the given parent .

[virtual] QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: ~QVideoEncoderSettingsControl ()

Destroys a video encoder settings control.

[pure virtual] void QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: setVideoSettings (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings )

Sets the selected video encoder settings .

另请参阅 videoSettings ().

[pure virtual] QList < qreal > QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: supportedFrameRates (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings , bool * continuous = nullptr) const

Returns a list of supported frame rates.

If non null video settings parameter is passed, the returned list is reduced to frame rates supported with partial settings like video codec or video resolution applied.

If the encoder supports arbitrary frame rates within the supported range, * continuous is set to true, otherwise * continuous 被设为 false。

另请参阅 QVideoEncoderSettings::frameRate ().

[pure virtual] QList < QSize > QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: supportedResolutions (const QVideoEncoderSettings & settings , bool * continuous = nullptr) const

Returns a list of supported resolutions.

If non null video settings parameter is passed, the returned list is reduced to resolution supported with partial settings like video codec or 帧速率 applied.

If the encoder supports arbitrary resolutions within the supported resolutions range, * continuous is set to true, otherwise * continuous 被设为 false。

另请参阅 QVideoEncoderSettings::resolution ().

[pure virtual] QStringList QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: supportedVideoCodecs () const

Returns the list of supported video codecs.

[pure virtual] QString QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: videoCodecDescription (const QString & codec ) const

Returns a description of a video codec .

[pure virtual] QVideoEncoderSettings QVideoEncoderSettingsControl:: videoSettings () const

Returns the video encoder settings.

The returned value may be different tha passed to QVideoEncoderSettingsControl::setVideoSettings () if the settings contains the default or undefined parameters. In this case if the undefined parameters are already resolved, they should be returned.

另请参阅 setVideoSettings ().




定义接口名为 QVideoEncoderSettingsControl 类。