QWaylandOutputMode Class

The QWaylandOutputMode class holds the resolution and refresh rate of an output. 更多...

头: #include <QWaylandOutputMode>
qmake: QT += waylandcompositor
Since: Qt 5.8

该类在 Qt 5.8 引入。


bool isValid () const
int refreshRate () const
QSize size () const
bool operator!= (const QWaylandOutputMode & other ) const
bool operator== (const QWaylandOutputMode & other ) const


QWaylandOutputMode holds the resolution and refresh rate of an output. Resolution is expressed in pixels and refresh rate is measured in mHz.

另请参阅 QWaylandOutput .


bool QWaylandOutputMode:: isValid () const

Returns whether this mode contains a valid resolution and refresh rate.

int QWaylandOutputMode:: refreshRate () const

Returns the refresh rate in mHz.

QSize QWaylandOutputMode:: size () const

Returns the resolution in pixels.

bool QWaylandOutputMode:: operator!= (const QWaylandOutputMode & other ) const

返回 true if this mode is not equal to other ,否则返回 false .

bool QWaylandOutputMode:: operator== (const QWaylandOutputMode & other ) const

返回 true if this mode is equal to other ,否则返回 false .