QWebEngineSettings 类

QWebEngineSettings 类提供对象以存储设置,用于 QWebEnginePage . 更多...

头: #include <QWebEngineSettings>
qmake: QT += webenginewidgets
Since: Qt 5.4

该类在 Qt 5.4 引入。


enum FontFamily { StandardFont, FixedFont, SerifFont, SansSerifFont, CursiveFont, …, PictographFont }
enum FontSize { MinimumFontSize, MinimumLogicalFontSize, DefaultFontSize, DefaultFixedFontSize }
enum UnknownUrlSchemePolicy { DisallowUnknownUrlSchemes, AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction, AllowAllUnknownUrlSchemes }
enum WebAttribute { AutoLoadImages, JavascriptEnabled, JavascriptCanOpenWindows, JavascriptCanAccessClipboard, LinksIncludedInFocusChain, …, PdfViewerEnabled }


QString defaultTextEncoding () const
QString fontFamily (QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which ) const
int fontSize (QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type ) const
void resetAttribute (QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute )
void resetFontFamily (QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which )
void resetFontSize (QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type )
void resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy ()
void setAttribute (QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute , bool on )
void setDefaultTextEncoding (const QString & encoding )
void setFontFamily (QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which , const QString & family )
void setFontSize (QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type , int size )
void setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy (QWebEngineSettings::UnknownUrlSchemePolicy policy )
bool testAttribute (QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute ) const
QWebEngineSettings::UnknownUrlSchemePolicy unknownUrlSchemePolicy () const


QWebEngineSettings * defaultSettings ()


QWebEngineSettings 允许配置浏览器特性,譬如字体大小和系列、自定义样式表的位置及一般属性 (譬如 JavaScript 支持)。单个属性的设置使用 setAttribute () 函数。 WebAttribute 枚举进一步描述各属性。

每个 QWebEnginePage 对象有自己的 qwebengineessettings 对象 (为该页面配置设置)。若尚未为 web 引擎页面配置设置,它将在页面所属的 profile (配置文件) 设置中查找。

另请参阅 QWebEnginePage::settings () 和 QWebEngineView::settings ().


enum QWebEngineSettings:: FontFamily

此枚举描述由 CSS 2 定义的一般字体系列。更多信息见 CSS 标准 .

常量 描述
QWebEngineSettings::StandardFont 0
QWebEngineSettings::FixedFont 1
QWebEngineSettings::SerifFont 2
QWebEngineSettings::SansSerifFont 3
QWebEngineSettings::CursiveFont 4
QWebEngineSettings::FantasyFont 5
QWebEngineSettings::PictographFont 6 (在 Qt 5.7 添加)

enum QWebEngineSettings:: FontSize

此枚举描述字体大小, 可配置透过 QWebEngineSettings :

常量 描述
QWebEngineSettings::MinimumFontSize 0 硬最小字体大小。
QWebEngineSettings::MinimumLogicalFontSize 1 当缩小时应用的最小逻辑字体大小。
QWebEngineSettings::DefaultFontSize 2 用于常规文本的默认字体大小。
QWebEngineSettings::DefaultFixedFontSize 3 用于固定间距文本的默认字体大小。

enum QWebEngineSettings:: UnknownUrlSchemePolicy

此枚举描述如何处理具有未知方案的 URL 导航请求。

常量 描述
QWebEngineSettings::DisallowUnknownUrlSchemes 1 禁止所有具有未知方案的 URL 导航请求。
QWebEngineSettings::AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction 2 Allows navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes that are issued from user-interaction (like a mouse-click), whereas other navigation requests (for example from JavaScript) are suppressed.
QWebEngineSettings::AllowAllUnknownUrlSchemes 3 Allows all navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes.

该枚举在 Qt 5.11 引入或被修改。

另请参阅 unknownUrlSchemePolicy , setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy ,和 resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy .

enum QWebEngineSettings:: WebAttribute


常量 描述
QWebEngineSettings::AutoLoadImages 0 自动下载网页图像。当禁用此设置时,将从缓存加载图像。默认启用。
QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptEnabled 1 使 JavaScript 程序能够运行在 MainWorld 。默认启用。
QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows 2 允许 JavaScript 程序打开弹出窗口 (无需用户交互)。默认启用。
QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanAccessClipboard 3 Allows JavaScript programs to read from and write to the clipboard. Writing to the clipboard is always allowed if it is specifically requested by the user. See JavascriptCanPaste to also allow pasting the content of the clipboard content from JavaScript. Disabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::LinksIncludedInFocusChain 4 Includes hyperlinks in the keyboard focus chain. Enabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::LocalStorageEnabled 5 Enables support for the HTML 5 local storage feature. Enabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls 6 Allows locally loaded documents to ignore cross-origin rules so that they can access remote resources that would normally be blocked, because all remote resources are considered cross-origin for a local file. Remote access that would not be blocked by cross-origin rules is still possible when this setting is disabled (default). Note that disabling this setting does not stop XMLHttpRequests or media elements in local files from accessing remote content. Basically, it only stops some HTML subresources, such as scripts, and therefore disabling this setting is not a safety mechanism.
QWebEngineSettings::XSSAuditingEnabled 7 过时且不起作用。
QWebEngineSettings::SpatialNavigationEnabled 8 Enables the Spatial Navigation feature, which means the ability to navigate between focusable elements, such as hyperlinks and form controls, on a web page by using the Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether there is an element they might be trying to reach towards the right and which element they probably want. Disabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls 9 Allows locally loaded documents to access other local URLs. Enabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::HyperlinkAuditingEnabled 10 启用支持 ping 属性为超链接。默认禁用。
QWebEngineSettings::ScrollAnimatorEnabled 11 启用动画卷动。默认禁用。
QWebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled 12 Enables displaying the built-in error pages of Chromium. Enabled by default.
QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled 13 Enables support for Pepper plugins, such as the Flash player. Disabled by default. See also Pepper 插件 API 。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::FullScreenSupportEnabled 14 Enables fullscreen support in an application. Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.6)
QWebEngineSettings::ScreenCaptureEnabled 15 Enables screen capture in an application. Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.7)
QWebEngineSettings::WebGLEnabled 16 启用支持 HTML 5 WebGL。默认启用若可用。(在 Qt 5.7 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::Accelerated2dCanvasEnabled 17 Specifies whether the HTML5 2D canvas should be a OpenGL framebuffer. This makes many painting operations faster, but slows down pixel access. Enabled by default if available. (Added in Qt 5.7)
QWebEngineSettings::AutoLoadIconsForPage 18 自动下载网页图标。默认启用。(在 Qt 5.7 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::TouchIconsEnabled 19 Enables support for touch icons and precomposed touch icons Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.7)
QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled 20 Gives focus to the view associated with the page, whenever a navigation operation occurs (load, stop, reload, reload and bypass cache, forward, backward, set content, and so on). Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.8)
QWebEngineSettings::PrintElementBackgrounds 21 Turns on printing of CSS backgrounds when printing a web page. Enabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.8)
QWebEngineSettings::AllowRunningInsecureContent 22 By default, HTTPS pages cannot run JavaScript, CSS, plugins or web-sockets from HTTP URLs. This provides an override to get the old insecure behavior. Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.8)
QWebEngineSettings::AllowGeolocationOnInsecureOrigins 23 Since Qt 5.7, only secure origins such as HTTPS have been able to request Geolocation features. This provides an override to allow non secure origins to access Geolocation again. Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.9)
QWebEngineSettings::AllowWindowActivationFromJavaScript 24 允许通过使用 window.focus() JavaScript 方法激活窗口。默认禁用。(在 Qt 5.10 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::ShowScrollBars 25 展示滚动条。默认启用。(在 Qt 5.10 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::PlaybackRequiresUserGesture 26 Inhibits playback of media content until the user interacts with the page. By default, WebEngine uses Chromium settings, as described in Autoplay Policy Changes . This is similar to how Chrome on Android behaves, while the default behavior when it is disabled is similar to Chrome on desktops. To overwrite the default behavior, disable this setting. (Added in Qt 5.11)
QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanPaste 28 启用 JavaScript execCommand("paste") . This also requires enabling JavascriptCanAccessClipboard. Disabled by default. (Added in Qt 5.11)
QWebEngineSettings::WebRTCPublicInterfacesOnly 27 限制 WebRTC 到仅公共 IP 地址。当禁用 WebRTC 还可能使用本地网络 IP 地址,但远程主机还可以看到本地网络 IP 地址。默认禁用。(在 Qt 5.11 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::DnsPrefetchEnabled 29 指定是否 WebEngine 将试着预抓取 DNS 条目以加速浏览。默认禁用。(在 Qt 5.12 添加)
QWebEngineSettings::PdfViewerEnabled 30 指定 PDF 文档将在内部 PDF 查看器中打开而不是下载。默认启用。(在 Qt 5.13 添加)


[static] QWebEngineSettings *QWebEngineSettings:: defaultSettings ()

Returns the settings for a web engine page that belongs to the default profile. All web pages not specifically created with another profile belong to the default profile.

QString QWebEngineSettings:: defaultTextEncoding () const


另请参阅 setDefaultTextEncoding ().

QString QWebEngineSettings:: fontFamily ( QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which ) const

Returns the actual font family for the specified generic font family, which .

另请参阅 setFontFamily ().

int QWebEngineSettings:: fontSize ( QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type ) const

返回默认字体大小对于 type (以像素为单位)。

另请参阅 setFontSize ().

void QWebEngineSettings:: resetAttribute ( QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute )

Resets the setting of attribute to the value specified in the profile that the page belongs to.

void QWebEngineSettings:: resetFontFamily ( QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which )

Resets the actual font family specified by which to the one specified in the profile that the page belongs to.

void QWebEngineSettings:: resetFontSize ( QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type )

Resets the font size for type to the size specified in the profile that the page belongs to.

void QWebEngineSettings:: resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy ()

Removes the policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes.

该函数在 Qt 5.11 引入。

另请参阅 unknownUrlSchemePolicy and setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy .

void QWebEngineSettings:: setAttribute ( QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute , bool on )

启用或禁用指定 attribute 特征从属值 on .

void QWebEngineSettings:: setDefaultTextEncoding (const QString & encoding )


encoding must be a string describing an encoding such as "utf-8" or "iso-8859-1". If left empty, a default value will be used. For a more extensive list of encoding names see QTextCodec .

另请参阅 defaultTextEncoding ().

void QWebEngineSettings:: setFontFamily ( QWebEngineSettings::FontFamily which , const QString & family )

将实际字体系列设为 family 为指定一般系列, which .

另请参阅 fontFamily ().

void QWebEngineSettings:: setFontSize ( QWebEngineSettings::FontSize type , int size )

设置字体大小对于 type to size (以像素为单位)。

另请参阅 fontSize ().

void QWebEngineSettings:: setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy ( QWebEngineSettings::UnknownUrlSchemePolicy policy )

Sets the policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes to policy . Default is QWebEngineSettings::AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction .

该函数在 Qt 5.11 引入。

另请参阅 unknownUrlSchemePolicy and resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy .

bool QWebEngineSettings:: testAttribute ( QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute ) const

返回 true if attribute 被启用;否则返回 false .

QWebEngineSettings::UnknownUrlSchemePolicy QWebEngineSettings:: unknownUrlSchemePolicy () const

Returns the currently selected policy for handling navigation requests to URLs with unknown schemes. Default is QWebEngineSettings::AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction .

该函数在 Qt 5.11 引入。

另请参阅 setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy and resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy .