
Some configuration variables allow you to use QDoc to support Qt-based projects. They allow your project to contain links to the online Qt documentation, which means that QDoc will be able to create links to the class reference documentation, without any explicit linking command.


The description variable holds a short description of the associated project.

另请参阅 project .


The indexes variable lists the index files that will be used to generate references.

For example. to make a derived Qt project contain links to the Qt Reference documentation, you need to specify the associated index file:

indexes = $QTDIR/doc/html/qt.index

另请参阅 project and url .


The project variable provides a name for the project associated with the .qdocconf 文件。

The project's name is used to form a file name for the associated project's index 文件。

project = QtCreator

This will cause an index file called qtcreator.index to be created.

另请参阅 description and indexes .


The url variable holds the base URL for the reference documentation associated with the current project.

The URL is stored in the generated index file for the project. When we use the index on its own, QDoc will use this as the base URL when constructing links to classes, functions, and other things listed in the index.

project     = Qt
description = Qt Reference Documentation
url         = http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/

This makes sure that whenever qt.index is used to generate references to for example Qt classes, the base URL is http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/ .

另请参阅 indexes .

How to Support Derived Projects

This feature makes use of the comprehensive indexes generated by QDoc when it creates the Qt reference documentation.

例如, qtgui.qdocconf (the configuration file for Qt) contains the following variable definitions:

project     = Qt
description = Qt Reference Documentation
url         = http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/

The project variable name is used to form a file name for the index file; in this case the qt.index file is created. The url is stored in the index file. Afterwards, QDoc will use this as the base URL when constructing links to classes, functions, and other things listed in the index.