Obsolete Members for QChar

以下成员源于类 QChar 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) enum Joining { Center, Dual, OtherJoining, Right }


(obsolete) Joining joining () const
(obsolete) char toAscii () const


(obsolete) QChar fromAscii (char c )
(obsolete) Joining joining (uint ucs4 )


enum QChar:: Joining

This enum type defines the Unicode joining attributes. See the Unicode Standard for a description of the values.

QChar::Center 3
QChar::Dual 1
QChar::OtherJoining 0
QChar::Right 2

另请参阅 joining ().


[static] QChar QChar:: fromAscii ( char c )

Converts the ASCII character c to it's equivalent QChar . This is mainly useful for non-internationalized software.

An alternative is to use QLatin1Char .

另请参阅 fromLatin1 () 和 unicode ().

Joining QChar:: joining () const

Returns information about the joining properties of the character (needed for certain languages such as Arabic).

[static] Joining QChar:: joining ( uint ucs4 )


Returns information about the joining properties of the UCS-4-encoded character specified by ucs4 (needed for certain languages such as Arabic).

char QChar:: toAscii () const

Returns the Latin-1 character value of the QChar , or 0 if the character is not representable.

The main purpose of this function is to preserve ASCII characters used in C strings. This is mainly useful for developers of non-internationalized software.

注意: It is not possible to distinguish a non-Latin 1 character from an ASCII 0 (NUL) character. Prefer to use unicode (), which does not have this ambiguity.

注意: This function does not check whether the character value is inside the valid range of US-ASCII.

另请参阅 toLatin1 () 和 unicode ().