
该文档编制在 Qt 5.9 引入。


    bool qFuzzyCompare (qfloat16 p1 , qfloat16 p2 )
    bool qIsFinite (qfloat16 f )
    bool qIsInf (qfloat16 f )
    bool qIsNaN (qfloat16 f )
    qint64 qRound64 (qfloat16 value )
    int qRound (qfloat16 value )

    This header file provides support for half-precision (16-bit) floating point data with the class qfloat16 . It is fully compliant with IEEE 754 as a storage type. This implies that any arithmetic operation on a qfloat16 instance results in the value first being converted to a float . This conversion to and from float is performed by hardware when possible, but on processors that do not natively support half-precision, the conversion is performed through a sequence of lookup table operations.

    qfloat16 should be treated as if it were a POD (plain old data) type. Consequently, none of the supported operations need any elaboration beyond stating that it supports all arithmetic operators incident to floating point types.


    bool qFuzzyCompare ( qfloat16 p1 , qfloat16 p2 )

    比较浮点值 p1 and p2 并返回 true 若它们被认为相等,否则 false .

    The two numbers are compared in a relative way, where the exactness is stronger the smaller the numbers are.

    bool qIsFinite ( qfloat16 f )

    返回 true 若 qfloat16 f 是有限数。

    另请参阅 qIsFinite.

    bool qIsInf ( qfloat16 f )

    返回 true 若 qfloat16 f 相当于无穷大。

    另请参阅 qIsInf.

    bool qIsNaN ( qfloat16 f )

    返回 true 若 qfloat16 f 是 NaN (非数字)。

    另请参阅 qIsNaN.

    qint64 qRound64 ( qfloat16 value )

    圆整 value 到最近 64 位整数。

    另请参阅 qRound64.

    int qRound ( qfloat16 value )

    圆整 value 到最近整数。

    另请参阅 qRound.