Obsolete Members for QLibraryInfo

以下成员源于类 QLibraryInfo 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) QDate buildDate ()
(obsolete) QString licensedProducts ()
(obsolete) QString licensee ()


[static] QDate QLibraryInfo:: buildDate ()

This function used to return the installation date for this build of Qt, but now returns a constant date.

该函数在 Qt 4.6 引入。

[static] QString QLibraryInfo:: licensedProducts ()

This function used to return the products that the license for this build of Qt has access to, now returns an empty string.

[static] QString QLibraryInfo:: licensee ()

This function used to return the person to whom this build of Qt is licensed, now returns an empty string.