Obsolete Members for QMatrix4x4

以下成员源于类 QMatrix4x4 已过时。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(obsolete) void flipCoordinates ()


(obsolete) QGenericMatrix<N, M, float> qGenericMatrixFromMatrix4x4 (const QMatrix4x4 & matrix )
(obsolete) QMatrix4x4 qGenericMatrixToMatrix4x4 (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, float> & matrix )


void QMatrix4x4:: flipCoordinates ()

Flips between right-handed and left-handed coordinate systems by multiplying the y and z co-ordinates by -1. This is normally used to create a left-handed orthographic view without scaling the viewport as ortho () 做。

另请参阅 ortho ().


QGenericMatrix < N , M , float > qGenericMatrixFromMatrix4x4 (const QMatrix4x4 & matrix )

Returns a NxM generic matrix constructed from the left-most N columns and top-most M rows of matrix . If N or M is greater than 4, then the remaining elements are filled with elements from the identity matrix.

另请参阅 QMatrix4x4::toGenericMatrix ().

QMatrix4x4 qGenericMatrixToMatrix4x4 (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , float > & matrix )

Returns a 4x4 matrix constructed from the left-most 4 columns and top-most 4 rows of matrix 。若 matrix has less than 4 columns or rows, the remaining elements are filled with elements from the identity matrix.