Stack QML Type

Provides attached properties for items pushed onto a StackView . 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls 1.4



The Stack type provides attached properties for items pushed onto a StackView . It gives specific information about the item, such as its status and index in the stack view the item is in.

另请参阅 StackView .


[read-only] Stack.index : int

This property holds the index of the item inside StackView , so that StackView.get(index) will return the item itself. If view is null , index 将是 -1 .

[read-only] Stack.status : enumeration

This property holds the status of the item. It can have one of the following values:

  • Stack.Inactive : the item is not visible
  • Stack.Activating : the item is transitioning into becoming an active item on the stack
  • Stack.Active : the item is on top of the stack
  • Stack.Deactivating : the item is transitioning into becoming inactive

[read-only] Stack.view : StackView

此特性保持 StackView the item is in. If the item is not inside a StackView , view 将是 null .