ScrollViewStyle QML Type

Provides custom styling for ScrollView 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Since: Qt 5.1
继承者: TextAreaStyle




[read-only] control : ScrollView

The ScrollView this style is attached to.

corner : 组件

This Component paints the corner area between scroll bars

decrementControl : 组件

This component controls the appearance of the scroll bar decrement button.

You can access the following state properties:

property bool styleData.hovered
property bool styleData.pressed
property bool styleData.horizontal

frame : 组件

This Component paints the frame around scroll bars.

handle : 组件

This component controls the appearance of the scroll bar handle.

You can access the following state properties:

property bool styleData.hovered
property bool styleData.pressed
property bool styleData.horizontal

handleOverlap : int

This property controls the edge overlap between the handle and the increment/decrement buttons.

默认值为 30 .

incrementControl : 组件

This component controls the appearance of the scroll bar increment button.

You can access the following state properties:

property bool styleData.hovered
property bool styleData.pressed
property bool styleData.horizontal

minimumHandleLength : int

This is the minimum extent of the scroll bar handle.

默认值为 30 .

scrollBarBackground : 组件

This component controls the appearance of the scroll bar background.

You can access the following state properties:

property bool styleData.hovered
property bool styleData.horizontal

scrollToClickedPosition : bool

This component determines if the flickable should reposition itself at the mouse location when clicked.

transientScrollBars : bool

This property holds whether the scroll bars are transient. Transient scroll bars appear when the content is scrolled and disappear when they are no longer needed.

The default value is platform dependent.