ShellSurfaceItem QML Type

A Qt Quick item type for displaying and interacting with a ShellSurface . 更多...

导入语句: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.0
Since: Qt 5.8




This type is used to render wl_shell , xdg_shell or ivi_application surfaces as part of a Qt Quick scene. It handles moving and resizing triggered by clicking on the window decorations.

另请参阅 WaylandQuickItem , WlShellSurface , XdgSurfaceV5 ,和 IviSurface .


moveItem : Item

This property holds the move item for this ShellSurfaceItem . This is the item that will be moved when the clients request the ShellSurface to be moved, maximized, resized etc. This property is useful when implementing server-side decorations.

shellSurface : ShellSurface

此特性保持 ShellSurface rendered by this ShellSurfaceItem . It may either be an XdgSurfaceV5 , WlShellSurface or IviSurface depending on which shell protocol is in use.