WebEngineView QML 类型

A WebEngineView renders web content within a QML application. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWebEngine 1.5
Since: QtWebEngine 1.0






WebEngineView type enables QML applications to render regions of dynamic web content. It may share the screen with other QML types, such as a TabView , or fill the screen, as specified within the QML application.

初始化 Web 引擎

For the web engine view to be rendered, the web engine must be initialized by using QtWebEngine::initialize 在应用程序主源文件中,如以下代码段所示:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    return app.exec();


应用程序可以把页面加载到 WebEngineView , using either the url property or the loadHtml method and navigate within the view's session history. The GET method is always used to load URLs.

The history is represented by a WebEngineHistory data model that is held by the navigationHistory 特性。

以下样本 QML 应用程序加载网页使用 url 特性:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtWebEngine 1.0
Window {
    width: 1024
    height: 750
    visible: true
    WebEngineView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        url: "http://www.qt.io"

loading 特性保持目前是否加载 HTML 页面。 loadingChanged() signal is emitted when loading the page begins, ends, or fails.

HTML 页面标题可以被访问采用 title property. Additionally, a web page may specify an icon, which can be accessed using the icon property. The zoomFactor property enables zooming the contents of the web page by a scale factor.

If a certificate error is raised while loading a web page, the certificateError() signal is emitted. Certificate errors are handled by using the methods of the WebEngineCertificateError 类型。


By default, links to different pages load within the same WebEngineView object, but web sites may request them to be opened as a new tab, window, or dialog. The newViewRequested() signal is emitted when a request to load the page in a separate web engine view is issued. The NewViewDestination property describes how the new view should be opened. In addition, the WebEngineNewViewRequest utility type can be used to load web pages in separate web engine views.

findText() method can be used to search for a string on a web page, using the options described by FindFlags .

setActiveFocusOnPress() method can be used to create a UI element that should not get focus on press. This can be useful in a hybrid UI.

focusOnNavigationEnabled setting can be used to stop the view from automatically receiving focus when a navigation operation occurs (like loading or reloading a page or navigating through history).

linkHovered() signal is emitted when a mouse pointer passes over a link and thus corresponds to the mouseover DOM event.

Actions, such as selecting and editing content, can be performed on a web page by using the triggerWebAction() method. The available actions are described by the WebAction 特性。

backgroundColorChanged() signal is emitted when the web page background color changes.


During the loading of a page, so called 用户脚本 can be injected in the JavaScript engine at different points. The script objects attached to the web engine view are held by the userScripts property and injected by using the WebEngineScript type. Scripts can also be run by using the runJavaScript() method in the same world as other scripts that are part of the loaded site.

webChannel property can be used to expose a WebChannel instance in the JavaScript context of the page it is rendering as qt.webChannelTransport .


A web page can request through the JavaScript API to be loaded in fullscreen mode. The fullScreenRequested() signal is emitted when the web page issues the request. The WebEngineFullScreenRequest utility type can be used to toggle fullscreen requests. The fullScreenCancelled method can be used to notify the browser engine when the windowing system forces the application to leave fullscreen mode.


Web engine views can be isolated from each other by using the WebEngineProfile type. A profile contains settings, scripts, and the list of visited links shared by all views that belong to the profile. For example, a dedicated profile could be created for a 隐私浏览 mode. The current profile for the view is held by the profile property and the current settings are held by the settings property. The settings are specified by using the WebEngineSettings 类型。


Web pages can request access to platform features, such as geolocation or audio and video capture devices. The featurePermissionRequested() signal is emitted when a web page requests to make use of a resource. The supported platform features are described by the Feature property. If users grant the permission, the grantFeaturePermission() method is used to set it to granted .

渲染到 OpenGL 表面

当使用 QQuickRenderControl to render a Qt Quick user interface to an OpenGL surface, the WebEngineView type is not rendered correctly. The web engine view attempts to use a global OpenGL context created by QtWebEngine::initialize , but there is no public API for accessing that context in order to share it with the QQuickRenderControl 上下文。

To have the web engine view rendered correctly, it is possible to manually create a new offscreen context that is shared with the QQuickRenderControl and to call the non-public function qt_gl_set_global_share_context() , rather than calling initialize() 。若 initialize() is called after setting a global context, it will do nothing.


ErrorDomain : enumeration

Describes various high-level error types:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.InternalErrorDomain Content fails to be interpreted by Qt WebEngine.
WebEngineView.ConnectionErrorDomain Error results from faulty network connection.
WebEngineView.CertificateErrorDomain Error related to the SSL/TLS certificate.
WebEngineView.HttpErrorDomain Error related to the HTTP connection.
WebEngineView.FtpErrorDomain Error related to the FTP connection.
WebEngineView.DnsErrorDomain Error related to the DNS connection.

特征 : enumeration

Describes the platform feature access categories that the user may be asked to grant or deny access to:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.Geolocation 定位硬件或服务。
WebEngineView.MediaAudioCapture 音频捕获设备 (譬如:麦克风)。
WebEngineView.MediaVideoCapture 视频设备 (譬如:摄像头)。
WebEngineView.MediaAudioVideoCapture 音频和视频捕获设备。

另请参阅 featurePermissionRequested() and grantFeaturePermission() .

FindFlags : enumeration

描述的选项可用于 findText() 函数。可以 OR 组合下表中的选项:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.FindBackward 向后搜索,而不是向前。
WebEngineView.FindFlags FindCaseSensitively By default findText() works case insensitive. Specifying this option changes the behavior to a case sensitive find operation.

另请参阅 findText() .

JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel : enumeration

指示 JavaScript 控制台消息的严重性:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.InfoMessageLevel Message is purely informative and can safely be ignored.
WebEngineView.WarningMessageLevel Message indicates there might be a problem that may need attention.
WebEngineView.ErrorMessageLevel Message indicates there has been an error.

LoadStatus : enumeration


常量 描述
WebEngineView.LoadStartedStatus 目前正在加载页面。
WebEngineView.LoadStoppedStatus Loading the page was stopped by the stop() method or by the loader code or network stack in Chromium.
WebEngineView.LoadSucceededStatus Page has successfully loaded, and is not currently loading.
WebEngineView.LoadFailedStatus Page has failed to load, and is not currently loading.

NewViewDestination : enumeration

Describes how to open a new view:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.NewViewInWindow In a separate Window.
WebEngineView.NewViewInTab In a tab of the same window.
WebEngineView.NewViewInDialog In a Window without a tab bar, toolbar, or URL bar.
WebEngineView.NewViewInBackgroundTab In a tab of the same window, without hiding the currently visible web engine view.

另请参阅 WebEngineNewViewRequest.destination .

PrintedPageOrientation : enumeration

Describes the orientation of a PDF document that gets created from the WebEngineView 's contents. The enumeration values are mapped from and must match QPageLayout::Orientation .

常量 描述
WebEngineView.Portrait The document will be created using portrait orientation.
WebEngineView.Landscape The document will be created using landscape orientation.

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

另请参阅 WebEngineView::printToPdf() .

PrintedPageSizeId : enumeration

This enum type lists the available page sizes as defined in the Postscript PPD standard.

The enumeration values are mapped from and must match QPageSize::PageSizeId . They are also duplicated in QPagedPaintDevice and QPrinter .


常量 描述
WebEngineView.A0 841 x 1189 mm
WebEngineView.A1 594 x 841 mm
WebEngineView.A2 420 x 594 mm
WebEngineView.A3 297 x 420 mm
WebEngineView.A4 210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.69 inches
WebEngineView.A5 148 x 210 mm
WebEngineView.A6 105 x 148 mm
WebEngineView.A7 74 x 105 mm
WebEngineView.A8 52 x 74 mm
WebEngineView.A9 37 x 52 mm
WebEngineView.B0 1000 x 1414 mm
WebEngineView.B1 707 x 1000 mm
WebEngineView.B2 500 x 707 mm
WebEngineView.B3 353 x 500 mm
WebEngineView.B4 250 x 353 mm
WebEngineView.B5 176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches
WebEngineView.B6 125 x 176 mm
WebEngineView.B7 88 x 125 mm
WebEngineView.B8 62 x 88 mm
WebEngineView.B9 44 x 62 mm
WebEngineView.B10 31 x 44 mm
WebEngineView.C5E 163 x 229 mm
WebEngineView.Comm10E 105 x 241 mm, U.S. Common 10 Envelope
WebEngineView.DLE 110 x 220 mm
WebEngineView.Executive 7.5 x 10 inches, 190.5 x 254 mm
WebEngineView.Folio 210 x 330 mm
WebEngineView.Ledger 431.8 x 279.4 mm
WebEngineView.Legal 8.5 x 14 inches, 215.9 x 355.6 mm
WebEngineView.Letter 8.5 x 11 inches, 215.9 x 279.4 mm
WebEngineView.Tabloid 279.4 x 431.8 mm
WebEngineView.Custom Unknown, or a user defined size.
WebEngineView.AnsiA = Letter
WebEngineView.AnsiB = Ledger
WebEngineView.EnvelopeC5 = C5E
WebEngineView.EnvelopeDL = DLE
WebEngineView.Envelope10 = Comm10E
WebEngineView.LastPageSize = EnvelopeYou4

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

另请参阅 WebEngineView::printToPdf() .

RenderProcessTerminationStatus : enumeration

Describes the status with which the render process terminated:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.NormalTerminationStatus 渲染进程正常终止。
WebEngineView.AbnormalTerminationStatus The render process terminated with a non-zero exit status.
WebEngineView.CrashedTerminationStatus 渲染进程崩溃 (例如:由于分段故障)。
WebEngineView.KilledTerminationStatus 渲染进程被杀除,例如被 SIGKILL 或被任务管理器杀除。

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.2 引入。

WebAction : enumeration

Describes the types of action that can be performed on a web page:

常量 描述
WebEngineView.NoWebAction 没有动作被触发。
WebEngineView.Back 在导航链接历史中后退导航。
WebEngineView.Forward 在导航链接历史中前进导航。
WebEngineView.Stop 停止加载当前页面。
WebEngineView.Reload 重新加载当前页面。
WebEngineView.ReloadAndBypassCache 重新加载当前页面,但不使用任何本地缓存。
WebEngineView.Cut 把目前选中内容剪切到剪贴板。
WebEngineView.Copy 把目前选中内容拷贝到剪贴板。
WebEngineView.Paste 从剪贴板粘贴内容。
WebEngineView.Undo 撤消上一编辑动作。
WebEngineView.Redo 重做上一编辑动作。
WebEngineView.SelectAll Select all content.
WebEngineView.PasteAndMatchStyle 采用当前样式从剪贴板粘贴内容。
WebEngineView.OpenLinkInThisWindow 在当前窗口中打开当前链接。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.OpenLinkInNewWindow Open the current link in a new window. (Added in Qt 5.6)
WebEngineView.OpenLinkInNewTab Open the current link in a new tab. (Added in Qt 5.6)
WebEngineView.CopyLinkToClipboard 把当前链接拷贝到剪贴板。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.CopyImageToClipboard 把被点击图像拷贝到剪贴板。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.CopyImageUrlToClipboard 把被点击图像的 URL 拷贝到剪贴板。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.CopyMediaUrlToClipboard 把悬停音频或视频的 URL 拷贝到剪贴板。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.ToggleMediaControls 在展示和隐藏悬停音频或视频元素控件之间触发。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.ToggleMediaLoop 触发悬停音频或视频是否应在完成时循环。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.ToggleMediaPlayPause 触发悬停音频或视频元素的播放/暂停状态。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.ToggleMediaMute 静音或取消静音悬停的音频或视频元素。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.DownloadLinkToDisk Download the current link to the disk. To implement download actions, connect to the QWebEngineProfile::downloadRequested signal. (Added in Qt 5.6)
WebEngineView.DownloadImageToDisk Download the highlighted image to the disk. (Added in Qt 5.6)
WebEngineView.DownloadMediaToDisk Download the hovered audio or video to the disk. (Added in Qt 5.6)
WebEngineView.InspectElement 触发任何附加 Web 审查器以审查高亮元素。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.ExitFullScreen 退出全屏模式。(在 Qt 5.6 添加)
WebEngineView.SavePage Save the current web page to disk. (Added in Qt 5.7)
WebEngineView.ViewSource Show the source of the current page in a new tab. (Added in Qt 5.8)

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.2 引入。

activeFocusOnPress : bool

Specifies whether the view should gain active focus when pressed. The default value is true .

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.2 引入。

audioMuted : bool

The state of whether the current page audio is muted.

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

另请参阅 recentlyAudible .

backgroundColor : bool

Changes the color of the WebEngineView 's background, behind the document's body. Can be set to "transparent" or to a translucent color to see through the document or to match the web content in a hybrid app to prevent the white flashes that may appear during loading.


该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.2 引入。

[read-only] canGoBack : bool

返回 true if there are prior session history entries, false 否则。

[read-only] canGoForward : bool

返回 true if there are subsequent session history entries, false 否则。

contentsSize : size

Size of the page contents.

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

[read-only] icon : url

An internal URL for accessing the currently displayed web site icon, also known as favicon or shortcut icon. The icon is already downloaded and stored by the Qt WebEngine's favicon manager. This read-only URL corresponds to the image used within a mobile browser application to represent a bookmarked page on the device's home screen.

The following snippet uses the icon property to build an 图像 component:

Image {
    id: appIcon
    sourceSize: Qt.size(32, 32)
    source: webView.icon != "" ? webView.icon : "fallbackFavicon.png";
    // ...

指定 sourceSize 特性为 图像 element informs the Qt WebEngine's favicon provider about the requested size. The favicon provider tries to find the best fit among the web page candidate icons. If sourceSize property is not specified, the provider provides the icon with the largest resolution.

[read-only] isFullScreen : bool

返回 true if the web view is in fullscreen mode, false 否则。

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 fullScreenRequested() and fullScreenCancelled() .

[read-only] loadProgress : int

The amount of data from the page that has been loaded, expressed as an integer percentage in the range from 0 to 100 .

[read-only] loading : bool

返回 true if the HTML page is currently loading, false 否则。


This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 WebEngineHistory .

profile : WebEngineProfile

The current profile used for the view.

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 WebEngineProfile .

[read-only] recentlyAudible : bool

Returns the current page's audible state (audio was recently played, or not).

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

另请参阅 audioMuted and recentlyAudibleChanged .

scrollPosition : point


该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

[read-only] settings : WebEngineSettings

Settings used by this view.

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 WebEngineSettings .

[read-only] title : string

The title of the currently displayed HTML page. This is a read-only value that reflects the contents of the <title> tag.

url : url

The location of the currently displayed HTML page. This writable property offers the main interface to load a page into a web view. It functions the same as the window.location DOM property.

另请参阅 loadHtml() .

[read-only] userScripts : list < WebEngineScript >

List of script objects attached to the view.

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 WebEngineScript .

webChannel : QQmlWebChannel

The web channel instance used by this view. This channel is automatically using the internal QtWebEngine transport mechanism over Chromium IPC, and exposed in the javascript context of the page it is rendering as qt.webChannelTransport . This transport object is used when instantiating the JavaScript counterpart of QWebChannel 使用 Qt WebChannel JavaScript API .

注意: The view does not take ownership for an assigned webChannel object.

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

webChannelWorld : int

JavaScript world that the web channel instance used by this view is installed in.

该 QML 特性在 QtWebEngine 1.3 引入。

zoomFactor : real

Zoom factor for the view. Valid values are within the range from 0.25 to 5.0 。默认因子为 1.0 .

This QML property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.


activeFocusOnPressChanged ( bool activeFocusOnPress )

This signal is emitted when the ability of the web engine view to get focus when clicked changes.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.

另请参阅 setActiveFocusOnPress() .

audioMutedChanged ( bool muted )

This signal is emitted when the page's audio is (un)muted using audioMuted 特性。

注意: Not to be confused with a specific HTML5 audio / video element being muted.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

另请参阅 audioMuted and recentlyAudibleChanged .

authenticationDialogRequested ( AuthenticationDialogRequest request )

This signal is emitted when an authentication dialog is requested.

The request can be handled by using the methods of the AuthenticationDialogRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default dialog from showing up. Make sure to call either AuthenticationDialogRequest::dialogAccept() or AuthenticationDialogRequest::dialogReject() afterwards.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

backgroundColorChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the web engine view background color changes.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.

certificateError ( WebEngineCertificateError error )

This signal is emitted when an invalid certificate error is raised while loading a given request.

The certificate error can be handled by using the methods of the WebEngineCertificateError 类型。

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

colorDialogRequested ( ColorDialogRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a color picker dialog is requested.

The request can be handled by using the methods of the ColorDialogRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default dialog from showing up. Make sure to call either ColorDialogRequest::dialogAccept() or ColorDialogRequest::dialogReject() afterwards.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

contextMenuRequested ( ContextMenuRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a context menu is requested.

The request can be handled by using the properties of the ContextMenuRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default context menu from showing up.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

featurePermissionRequested ( url securityOrigin , Feature feature )

此信号被发射当网站被标识通过 securityOrigin 请求使用的资源或设备的标识通过 feature .

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 grantFeaturePermission() .

fileDialogRequested ( FileDialogRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a file picker dialog is requested.

The request error can be handled by using the methods of the FileDialogRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default dialog from showing up. Make sure to call either FileDialogRequest::dialogAccept() or FileDialogRequest::dialogReject() afterwards.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

formValidationMessageRequested ( FormValidationMessageRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a validation message is requested.

The request can be handled by using the methods of the FormValidationMessageRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default dialog from showing up.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

fullScreenRequested ( WebEngineFullScreenRequest request )

This signal is emitted when the web page requests fullscreen mode through the JavaScript API.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 isFullScreen .

javaScriptConsoleMessage ( JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel level , string message , int lineNumber , string sourceID )

This signal is emitted when a JavaScript program tries to print a message to the web browser's console.

For example, in case of evaluation errors the source URL may be provided in sourceID as well as the lineNumber .

level indicates the severity of the event that triggered the message, that is, whether it was triggered by an error or a less severe event.

If no handler is specified, the view will log the messages into a js 日志类别 .

另请参阅 控制台日志 .

javaScriptDialogRequested ( JavaScriptDialogRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a JavaScript dialog is requested.

The request can be handled by using the methods of the JavaScriptDialogRequest 类型。

注意: Signal handlers need to call request.accepted = true to prevent a default dialog from showing up. Make sure to call either JavaScriptDialogRequest::dialogAccept() or JavaScriptDialogRequest::dialogReject() afterwards.

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

linkHovered ( url hoveredUrl )

Within a mouse-driven interface, this signal is emitted when a mouse pointer passes over a link, corresponding to the mouseover DOM event. This event may also occur in touch interfaces for mouseover events that are not cancelled with preventDefault() . hoveredUrl provides the link's location.

loadingChanged ( WebEngineLoadRequest loadRequest )

This signal is emitted when a page load begins, ends, or fails.

When handling the signal with onLoadingChanged , various read-only parameters are available on the WebEngineLoadRequest 指定通过 loadRequest .

另请参阅 loading , LoadStatus ,和 ErrorDomain .

This signal is emitted when the navigation request request is issued.

newViewRequested ( WebEngineNewViewRequest request )

This signal is emitted when a page load is requested to happen in a separate web engine view. This can either be because the current page requested it explicitly through a JavaScript call to window.open , or because the user clicked on a link while holding Shift, Ctrl, or a built-in combination that triggers the page to open in a new window.

If this signal is not handled, the requested load will fail.

An example implementation:

QtObject {
    id: windowParent
    // Create the initial browsing windows and open the startup page.
    Component.onCompleted: {
        var firstWindow = windowComponent.createObject(windowParent);
        firstWindow.webView.loadHtml('<input type="button" value="Click!" onclick="window.open("http://qt.io")">');
    property Component windowComponent: Window {
        // Destroy on close to release the Window's QML resources.
        // Because it was created with a parent, it won't be garbage-collected.
        onClosing: destroy()
        visible: true
        property WebEngineView webView: webView_
        WebEngineView {
            id: webView_
            anchors.fill: parent
            // Handle the signal. Dynamically create the window and
            // use its WebEngineView as the destination of our request.
            onNewViewRequested: function(request) {
                var newWindow = windowComponent.createObject(windowParent);

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 NewViewDestination and WebEngine Quick 纳米浏览器 .

pdfPrintingFinished ( string filePath , bool success )

此信号被发射当把网页打印成 PDF 文件已完成时。 filePath will contain the path the file was requested to be created at, and success 将是 true if the file was successfully created and false 否则。

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.5.

另请参阅 printToPdf() .

recentlyAudibleChanged ( bool recentlyAudible )

This signal is emitted when the page's audible state is changed, due to audio being played or stopped.

注意: The signal is also emitted when the audioMuted property changes. Also if the audio is paused, this signal is emitted with an approximate 2 秒延迟 ,从音频被暂停的那一刻起。

This signal is also emitted for Flash plugin audio.

If a web page contains two videos that are started in sequence, this signal gets emitted only once, for the first video to generate sound. After both videos are stopped, the signal is emitted upon the last sound generated. This means that the signal is emitted both when any kind of sound is generated and when everything is completely silent within a web page, regardless of the number of audio streams.

Spurious signal emissions might also happen. For example, when sound is stopped, this signal gets emitted first with a value of true , and then with a value of false . Further, when audio starts playing, the signal is emitted twice with a value of true .

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

另请参阅 recentlyAudible .

renderProcessTerminated ( RenderProcessTerminationStatus terminationStatus , int exitCode )

此信号被发射当渲染进程采用非零退出状态被终止时。 terminationStatus 是进程的终止状态,且 exitCode 是进程终止的状态码。

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.

另请参阅 RenderProcessTerminationStatus .

wasRecentlyAudibleChanged ( bool wasRecentlyAudible )

This signal is emitted when the page's audible state is changed, due to audio being played or stopped.

注意: The signal is also emitted when calling the setAudioMuted method. Also if the audio is paused, this signal is emitted with an approximate 2 second delay ,从音频被暂停的那一刻起。

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

windowCloseRequested ()

此信号被发射每当页面请求关闭 Web 浏览器窗口时,例如透过 JavaScript window.close() 调用。

This QML signal was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.


void findText ( string subString , FindFlags options , variant resultCallback )

查找指定字符串, subString ,在页面使用给定 options .


resultCallback must take a boolean parameter. It will be called with a value of true if the subString was found; otherwise the callback value will be false.

findText("Qt", WebEngineView.FindCaseSensitively, function(success) {
    if (success)
        console.log("Qt was found!");

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

void findText ( string subString , FindFlags options )

查找指定字符串, subString ,在页面使用给定 options .


findText("Qt", WebEngineView.FindBackward | WebEngineView.FindCaseSensitively);

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

void findText ( string subString )

查找指定字符串, subString , in the page.


This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

void fullScreenCancelled ()

Immediately sets isFullScreen 特性到 false . It can be used to notify the browser engine when the windowing system forces the application to leave fullscreen mode.

ApplicationWindow {
    onVisibilityChanged: {
        if (webEngineView.isFullScreen && visibility != Window.FullScreen)
    WebEngineView {
        id: webEngineView
        // ...

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 isFullScreen and fullScreenRequested() .

void goBack ()

Go backward within the browser's session history, if possible. This function is equivalent to the window.history.back() DOM method.

另请参阅 canGoBack .

void goBackOrForward ( int offset )

offset is positive, goes forward the specified number of offset pages in the current session history. If offset is negative, it goes back. If the offset is invalid, the page is not changed.

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 goBack() and goForward() .

void goForward ()

Go forward within the browser's session history, if possible. This function is equivalent to the window.history.forward() DOM method.

void grantFeaturePermission ( url securityOrigin , Feature feature , bool granted )

Sets or unsets the permission, depending on granted , for the web site identified by securityOrigin 要使用 feature .

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 featurePermissionRequested() .

void loadHtml ( string html , url baseUrl )

加载指定 html as the content of the web view.

This method offers a lower-level alternative to the url property, which references HTML pages via URL.

External objects, such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML document, should be located relative to baseUrl . For example, if html 检索自 http://www.example.com/documents/overview.html ,其是基 URL,然后相对 URL 引用图像, diagram.png ,应该在 http://www.example.com/documents/diagram.png .

另请参阅 url .

void printToPdf ( variant resultCallback , PrintedPageSizeId pageSizeId , PrintedPageOrientation orientation )

Prints the WebEngineView 's current content to a PDF document and returns it in a byte array. The document's size will be determined by the value of pageSizeId and its orientation will be determined using orientation .

resultCallback must take a string parameter. This string will contain the document's data upon successful printing and an empty string otherwise.

If you leave out pageSizeID , it defaults to A4 . If you leave out orientation , it defaults to Portrait .

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

void printToPdf (const string filePath , PrintedPageSizeId pageSizeId , PrintedPageOrientation orientation )

Prints the WebEngineView 's current content to a PDF document and stores it under filePath . The document's size will be determined by the value of pageSizeId and its orientation will be determined using orientation .

This method issues an asynchronous request for printing the web page into a PDF and returns immediately. To be informed about the result of the request, connect to the signal pdfPrintingFinished() .

If you leave out pageSizeID , it defaults to A4 . If you leave out orientation , it defaults to Portrait .

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

另请参阅 pdfPrintingFinished() .

void reload ()

Reloads the current page. This function is equivalent to the window.location.reload() DOM method.

另请参阅 reloadAndBypassCache() .

void reloadAndBypassCache ()

Reloads the current page, ignoring any cached content.

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.1.

另请参阅 reload() .

void replaceMisspelledWord (const QString & replacement )

替换当前拼写错误单词采用 replacement .

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.3.

void runJavaScript ( string script , variant callback )

Runs the specified script in the content of the web view.

callback parameter is optional. If a callback function is provided, it will be invoked after the script finishes running.

runJavaScript("document.title", function(result) { console.log(result); });

The script will run in the same world as other scripts that are part of the loaded site.

警告: Do not execute lengthy routines in the callback function, because it might block the rendering of the web content.

WebEngineView::userScripts for an alternative API to inject scripts.

void setActiveFocusOnPress ( bool arg )

Sets active focus to a clicked web engine view if arg is true . By setting it to false , a web engine view can be used to create a UI element that should not get focus. This can be useful in a hybrid UI.

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.

另请参阅 activeFocusOnPressChanged and WebEngineSettings::focusOnNavigationEnabled .

void stop ()


void triggerWebAction ( WebAction action )

触发 Web 动作 action .

This QML method was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.2.

另请参阅 WebAction .